- added support for pruning frames that do not exhibit enough change over the previous one (`--prune`, `--bw_threshold`, `--change_threshold`)
- `process.py` and `process_redis.py` now allow iterating through images (.jpg, .png) in a directory - `process_redis.py` now handles predictions in bytes or str
- `process.py` now adheres to the `--output_metadata` flag - `process_redis.py` allows processing of frames via Redis backend
- `frames processed` output is now always being output - added logging output for frame file and metadata file in `verbose` mode
- added `--output_metadata` flag that stores information on predictions and cropping when outputting frames
- added `--crop_to_content` flag that crops the frames to the bounding boxes (only when not generating an output video) - added `--crop_margin` option to enforce a buffer around cropped region - added `--crop_min_width` and `--crop_min_height` options to enforce a minimum width/height