New Features:
- New module ``groups``
- New `.context` functions
- `getMessenger` (factory):
creates a `message` function which doesn't require
(nor accept) a `context` argument
- `getPath`
- `get_parent`
- `parents`
- `parent_brains`
- `make_brainGetter`
- `make_pathByUIDGetter`
- `make_translator`
- `get_published_templateid`
- `getSupportedLanguageTuples`
- New function ``setup.safe_context_id``
- New function ``search.normalizeQueryString`` (unicode, asterisks)
- `POSKeyError` rescue facility, *for now* provided here:
Inspired by the five.grok_-based ``fix-blobs`` view by Mikko Ohtamaa,
we have two views:
- ``check-blobs`` scans the site object tree for
(Archetypes or Dexterity) objects with broken BLOB attachments
(images or files) and shows them in an HTML list with checkboxes;
- ``check-blobs-delete-selected`` allows to delete the objects
found be be affected.
*Note:* this functionality will likely be moved to a dedicated add-on package;
don't rely on it to exist in *any* other release of this package!
- Optional functionality, depending on
- visaplan.plone.search v1.2.1+
- visaplan.plone.subportals
(both currently not yet on PyPI)
- ``setup`` module:
- If the ``reindex`` function, which was created by the ``make_reindexer`` factory,
was given an object both by `brain` and by itself, it compared those two by identity,
which wouldn't ever match. Now checking for equality.
- New function ``clone_tree`` (from release 1.2.0) now works recursively
- When ``clone_tree`` moves objects from one folder to another, it tries to preserve a useful order;
both functions ``_clone_tree_inner`` and ``_move_objects`` use the new helper ``apply_move_order_options``
to inject a ``sort_on`` key into the query.
- ``context`` module:
- ``message`` function (non-generated; with `context` argument):
The default `mapping` is `None` now.
- `make_permissionChecker` doesn't require the ``checkperm``
adapter any more to be useful
- `make_userdetector` doesn't require the ``auth``
adapter any more to be useful
- Working doctests for ``search`` module
- ``zcmlgen`` module:
- "Constructors" of the generator classes support an optional `skip` argument
Hard dependencies removed:
- Products.Archetypes_
if it is not installed, parts of the `.attools` module simply won't work
- visaplan.kitchen_
- visaplan.plone.infohubs_
If not installed, `.forms.form_changes` *requires* a `form` argument
(but it is a stub anyway).