- Modified ``pyproject.toml`` - The command line interface is now installed as the "vgd" command - moved from using ``click`` for the command line interface to using ``rich-click`` which is a fork of ``click`` that adds rich text support to the command line interface
- Extended the ``ColorsProcesing`` class to also support 3D graph structures now. - Added an experiment module to process the COMPAS dataset of polybenzenes molecular property predictions
- Fixed the dependency error where utils imported from ``graph_attention_student`` have caused a circular import error
- Changed the version requirement to be compatible with newer python versions
- Added the function ``create_combined_importances_pdf" to generate a visualization PDF that visualizes the explanations not as separate figures, but all the explanation channels into the same figure, encoding the different channels as different colors.
- The "load" method of the Config instance now returns the itself, which is just a small quality of life improvement for the scripts that will use have to use the config instance. - Added some additional documentation for the Processing classes