
Latest version: v3.0.2

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Released on 14 May, 2024

Documentation updates
1. New manual has arrived. Descriptions for all Apps and functions are supported now.

Bug Fix
1. Fixed scrolling Issue with iloc in Subset App 257
- Thanks to Minku-Koo
2. Fixed typo
- class-fication to class-i-fication
- sep-e-rator to sep-a-rator
3. Fixed options
- sparse to sparse_output option on OneHotEncoder option
- DecisionTreeClassifier criterion option
- Added RMSE option for Statistics > Regression
4. Fixed Pipeline > GridSearch - evaluation modeltype change correctly


Released on 17 November, 2023

Enhanced features
1. Edited encoding function on Frame app to enable it when multiple columns selected.
2. Edited Groupby app to show `To Frame` option for size method.

Bug fix
1. Fixed bug on Frame app using isnull or notnull from Add, Replace function.
2. Fixed typo on Evaluation app.
3. Fixed inner function `vp_create_permutation_importances()` to operate for numpy objects.
4. Fixed Subset app to show .index code on condition operation for Series object.
5. Fixed Subset app for 0 named index or column.


Released on 13 October, 2023

Support for JupyterLab 4.x and Notebook 7.x
1. Compatible updates for new lab and notebook.
2. Added toolbar toggle button for Notebook 7.x.

1. Added install introduction for the latest JupyterLab (>=4.x)
2. Added maintainers and contributors profile to
3. Added Discord community link to

Bug fixed
1. Added plot_permutation_importances for Regression and Classification model info.


Released on 27 September, 2023

General changes
1. Run type changes
- Last clicked run type will be the default run type

1. Edited SMOTE option
- SMOTE to ETC category on DatePrep app
- Add more option to SMOTE
2. Added multi-extensions for FileNavigation
- Including .tsv support (175, 176)
- Including pyarrow, parquet (233, 238)
3. Added To datetime function to Frame app
4. Edited Import app with saving data

Bug Fix
1. Fixed MultiSelector bug
2. Added esc shortcut to FileNavigation
3. Added scrollbar area to Seaborn's left box

Preparing migration (for notebook 7.x and lab 4.x)
1. No version updater for lab
2. Fixed widget loop bug


Released on 08 September, 2023

General changes on Running code mechanism
1. You can select the default mechanism of running code.

Enhanced apps
1. Added errorbar option on Seaborn app for lineplot and barplot.
3. Added ignoring warning code on Frame app.
4. Added showing detail code on AlertModal for Frame app.
5. Added refresh button on MultiSelector.

Bug fix
1. Fixed not loading bug on PackageManager.
2. Fixed loading error on MultiSelector.
3. Fixed slicing and indexing 0 value error on DataSelector.
4. Fixed sort_values on Instance app.
7. Show error content on both notebook and lab environments.


Released on 30 August, 2023

General changes
1. App won't save its state anymore. You have to use Run&Save option to save your state as a block.

App Changes
1. [New] Machine Learning > Pipeline
- Added `fit_predict` and `fit_transform` methods for algorithms that fit/predict/transform is not available.
- Added prev, next button.
2. [New] Data Analysis > Frame
- Added Statistics type on 'Add column' menu.
3. [Edit] Library > Pandas library
- Added MultiSelector component to `by` option in sort_values().
- Added more options to value_counts().
4. [Edit] Machine Learning > Save/Load
- Edited visible data types for target model to machine learning types.
- Changed labels.
5. [Edit] Statistics > Student's t-test
- Edited component for grouping values on two-sample t-test.
6. [Edit] Data Analysis > Data Info
- Edited code for single column selection on Value Counts menu.
7. [Edit] Statistics > ANOVA
- Edited not to force app to install packages. It'll now show install button on the top-right of popup page.

Bug fix
1. Fixed popup focusing problem.
2. Fixed remaining app tasks.

Background changes
1. Codeview and Dataview won't save its content after hiding. This update is for the resource controlling purpose.
2. `com_multi` component for auto generator is added.

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