Breaking changes
- Replaced Minute with Hour as normal interval since history is limited to 7 days from Emporia on minute data
- argparse libary was added, must run `pip install -r requirements.txt` again in the src directory (or pip3 based on install)
New features
- Hour / Day historic data retrieval: allows for history of up to two years to be pulled. Assists in clean numbers/graphs to see daily monthly usage to compare against utilities reports.
- Hour data runs with the get details time, default is 1 hour (3600 seconds). Based on when the program is started, you may be almost 2 hours behind for get hour.
- Moved one-time parameters out of the json config file. Those parameters are now specified as command line arguments (--historydays, --resetdatabase).
Other changes
- Started Changelog for this and future releases
- Added project metadata to ``, values can be updated through github automations
- Added command line pairing with help syntax for all values, via argparse lib.
- Updated `requirements.txt` and with `argparse>= 1.4.0`
- Updated `vuegraf.json.sample` as history and reset database was moved to command line
- Updated with above changes
- ran pylint and fixed
Quote delimiter consistency to all '
Extra lines
With special thanks to gauthig for initiating these 1.6.0 changes!