--------------- - Introduce ram, vcpu, storage quotas to service project link. - Drop SynchronizationStates, SynchronizationStateFilter, SynchronizableMixin. - Add Default Price List Items action "Reinit configurations".
--------------- - Drop django-permission. - Restructure admin menu.
--------------- - Remove inner HEAD requests from counter views. - Update start time of virtual machine if runtime state changed. - Drop VirtualMachineMixin. - Allow to define user email on invitation accept.
--------------- - Integrate JSONEditor widgets from django-jsoneditor for JSON fields in admin. - Make shared field more visible on service settings creation form. - Hide non-relevant fields for selected service on service settings creation form. - Make ability for org owners to manage other org owners configurable. - Allow to enable/disable backend fields and quotas editing on admin.
--------------- - VirtualMachine user_data is no longer validated against safe yml format. - Mark subresources as SPL children.
--------------- - Enable i18n. - Added "export_api_docs" management command for creating offline API Swagger descriptions. - Bugfixes.