
Latest version: v0.8.1

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- Added compatibility with Django 1.11



- Fixed compatibiltiy with Django 1.10 (thangs to `Martí Bosch`_)
- Fixed `125 <https://github.com/mgaitan/waliki/issues/125>`__
- Upgraded demo's setting to recent format
- Added missing migration

.. _Martí Bosch: https://github.com/martibosch



- Fix compatibility with Django 1.9.x and Markup 2.x (thanks to `Oleg Girko`_ for the contribution)

.. _Oleg Girko: https://github.com/OlegGirko



- Slides view use the cache. Fix `81 <https://github.com/mgaitan/waliki/issues/81>`__
- Implemented an RSS feed listing lastest changes. It's part of `32 <https://github.com/mgaitan/waliki/issues/32>`__
- Added a `configurable "sanitize" <http://waliki.readthedocs.org/en/latest/settings.htmlconfval-WALIKI_SANITIZE_FUNCTION>`_ function.
- Links to attachments doesn't relay on IDs by default (but it's backaward compatible). `96 <https://github.com/mgaitan/waliki/issues/32>`_
- Added an optional "`breadcrumb <http://waliki.readthedocs.org/en/latest/settings.htmlconfval-WALIKI_BREADCRUMBS>`_ " hierarchical links for pages. `110 <https://github.com/mgaitan/waliki/pull/110>`_
- Run git with output to pipe instead of virtual terminal. `111 <https://github.com/mgaitan/waliki/pull/111>`_



- Per page markup is now fully functional. It allows to
have a mixed rst & markdown wiki. Fixed `2 <https://github.com/mgaitan/waliki/issues/2>`__
- Allow save a page without changes in a body.
Fixed `85 <https://github.com/mgaitan/waliki/issues/85>`__
- Fixed `84 <https://github.com/mgaitan/waliki/issues/84>`__, that marked deleted but no commited after a move
- Allow to choice markup from new page dialog. `82 <https://github.com/mgaitan/waliki/issues/82>`__
- Fix wrong encoding for raw of an old revision. `75 <https://github.com/mgaitan/waliki/issues/75>`__



- Fixed conflict with a broken dependecy

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