✨ Features
* Add `WandbFileSystem` class inheriting from `AbstractFileSystem` from [`fsspec`](https://github.com/fsspec/filesystem_spec)
* Implement the following `WandbFileSystem` class methods:
* `ls`: lists `wandb` projects, runs, and files associated with runs.
* `modified`: returns the `datetime.datetime` object of the last modification date of a file.
* `open`: opens a file either to read it with `rb` mode or to write it with `wb` mode.
* `url`: returns the `wandb` path URL.
* `cat_file`: reads a binary file.
* `put_file`: uploads a local file to the `wandb` remote.
* `get_file`: downloads a file from the `wandb` remote.
* `rm_file`: removes a file from the `wandb` remote.
* `cp_file`: copies one file from a run in `wandb` to another `wandb` run.
* Code is formatted with `black`, `isort`, and `flake8`
* Type-hints with `mypy` (not included in `ci-cd.yaml` nor `Makefile` yet)
* Fully integrated with `fsspec` through the registry named `wandbfs`
* Prepared to be developed using [GitHub Codespaces](https://github.com/features/codespaces)
* Some basic unit tests with `pytest`
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/alvarobartt/wandbfsspec/commits/0.1.0