Thanks to the contribution by: Sandesh2007 CalfMoon darth62969 rogeraird and [other developers](, we are happy to announce a new version where you can play videos as your wallpapers!
New in this release:
- :video_camera: Added `mpvpaper` backed to play videos as wallpapers with support for multi-monitors and pausing videos.
- :mag: Added a search bar to quickly filter your files.
- :sparkles: Redesigned UI. Now, the file controls are at the top and the backend controls are at the bottom.
- :video_game: Added UI controls for transition options in `swww`.
- :computer: Multi-monitor support is re-implemented and also added to `swaybg`.
- :hammer: Random wallpapers no longer repeat and other related bugs fixed.
- :earth_americas: Updated translations.
- :wrench: Various minor fixes.
**For package maintainers:** following python libraries were added as new dependencies: `imageio`, `imageio-ffmpeg`, `screeninfo`