Yet another release. This time, the color_contrast report generated in the cascade tool indicates the tag that was affected by a color contrast failure. A report failure might look like any of the following:
- `fail: in gradients.html, selector: .radial-grad triggered 2 contrast errors on <section> for Large AAA.`
- `fail: in index.html, selector: h1, h2 triggered 3 contrast errors on <h2> for Large AAA.`
- `fail: in gradients-large.html, selector: .horizontal-gradient triggered 2 contrast errors on <section> for Normal AAA.`
This will make it just a little easier for the student to identify what tag had the error.
I will test this with my students to see if it helps them or not. I might word-smith the fail message to make it clearer. This will do for now.