- `ProjectManager`, `NodeManager`, `WFContext`
- `BuiltinBrowser`, `FastBrowser`
- `ServerTransaction`, `ClientTransactions`, `TransactionManager`
- `Node.last_modified_b`
- `WFMixinAutoLogin`
- Unused Operation classes
Break change:
- wfapi 0.8.0 will support python 3.6.x > only.
- `wfapi.const` renamed as `wfapi.config`
Bug fixes:
- almost unknown bug are fixed.
- too many lines of code removed, code is a more cleaner.
- after the remove `TransactionManager`, modify the sub project node will not work. (sorry)
- memory usage reduced (only used Node will keep by cache)
- refresh_project_tree supported (?)
- now `Node.last_modified` and `Node.completed_at` return `datetime` object.
Bug fixes:
- many missing attributes issues, inconsistencies in nodes and avoidable errors fixed.
- .children and .parent are consistent and are there in all nodes.
- iterating children from a node is a little more efficient.
- many lines of code removed, code is a little cleaner.
- call .create, .complete, .edit, .delete directly from node object.
0.2.x (?)
- support deamon
- support shared node
- search like website's keyword (`is:completed`)
- documentation release
- support embbeded node
Not Yet:
- cleanup changlog
- cleanup readme
- support all operation for deamon croller
- support hashtag (for search)
- support html (for special style like `<b>`)
- good logging system for track error
- refresh project with keep node object
- rollback transaction & undo operation
- expend node
- pro features