* Regridding weights to the input dataset grid now uses the "conservative" regridding algorithm from `xesmf` instead of the "bilinear" one; the bilinear one is inappropriate for many weights (population, etc.), since it throws away many low-valued source boxes.
* Weights now have `nan`s set to 0 before regridding, to make sure `nan` pixels are included in weights. Since `nan`s usually imply 0s in weights (for example, population weights for which water surfaces are set to `nan`), this prevents entire coarser pixels from being set to 0 if they overlap with a `nan`
* Both of the above can be changed with `xa.set_options(rgrd_alg='bilinear',nan_to_zero_regridding=False)`, respectively.
Bug fixes
* `wm.diag_fig()` now accepts DataArrays, as stated in docs.
What's Changed
* Increase codecov by ks905383 in https://github.com/ks905383/xagg/pull/72
* Diag fig fix by kerriegeil in https://github.com/ks905383/xagg/pull/73
* Add in main updates by ks905383 in https://github.com/ks905383/xagg/pull/74
* Changes regridding algorithm default to conservative, done after setting weight nans to 0s by ks905383 in https://github.com/ks905383/xagg/pull/75
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/ks905383/xagg/compare/v0.3.2.1...v0.3.2.2