
Latest version: v0.6.0

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- HOTFIX add disclaimer (96) [janpetschexain]
- PB-389 Resilient participant rendezvous (95) [kwok]
- PB-407 add more debug level logging (94) [janpetschexain]
- PB-159: update xain-proto dependency to the right branch (92) [Corentin Henry]
- PB-159: use s3 for transfering weights (88) [Corentin Henry]
- PB-428 send participant state (91) [Robert Steiner]
- PB-434 Change measurement to participant (85) [Robert Steiner]
- PB-425 split weights init from training (86) [janpetschexain]
- PB-426 update examples and docs (87) [janpetschexain]
- PB-406 :snowflake: Configure mypy (90) [Anastasiia Tymoshchuk]
- PB-268: add a global weights reader (89) [Corentin Henry]
- PB-403 unify sdk examples (84) [janpetschexain]


Fix minor bugs and move configurations.

- PB-412 Send timestamp in nanoseconds (79) [Robert Steiner]
- PB-388 configurable log level (77) [kwok]
- PB-404 Fix run_participants.sh (76) [Robert Steiner]
- PB-399 update sdk examples docs (75) [janpetschexain]
- PB-395 add utility to gather metrics (74) [janpetschexain]
- PB-385 Replace sleep with wait (67) [Robert Steiner]
- DO-75 :fire: remove unnecesary CI files. [Daniel Kravetz]
- Merge pull request 72 from xainag/master. [Daniel Kravetz]
- Merge pull request 71 from xainag/hotfix/fix-ci-path. [Daniel Kravetz]
- DO-74 :ambulance: Fix CI paths. [Daniel Kravetz]
- Merge pull request 68 from xainag/master. [Daniel Kravetz]
- Merge pull request 66 from xainag/hotfix/update-ci. [Daniel Kravetz]
- DO-72 :art: Make CI name and feature consistent with other repos. [Daniel Kravetz]
- PB-352 fix directory name (65) [janpetschexain]
- PB-352 Add config file (52) [Robert Steiner]
- PB-363 Start new development cycle (62) [Anastasiia Tymoshchuk]
- DO-73 :green_heart: disable continue on error (61) [Anastasiia Tymoshchuk]
- PB-367 add utility to get shapes of weights (53) [janpetschexain]
- PB-363 :gem: Release v0.4.0. [Daniel Kravetz]


Flatten model weights instead of using lists.
Update documentation, improve examples.
Simplify participant states.

- PB-379 Update black setup (54) [Anastasiia Tymoshchuk]
- PB-367 flatten model weights (51) [janpetschexain]
- XP-458 write weights to s3 (43) [Corentin Henry]
- HOTFIX update required tensorflow version (50) [janpetschexain]
- XP-240 Participant state reduction (47) [kwok]
- XP-394 add script for running participants (48) [Felix Reichel]
- XP-505 docstrings cleanup (44) [Corentin Henry]
- XP-407 update documentation (46) [janpetschexain]
- XP-510 fix updated examples (45) [janpetschexain]
- XP-510 include optional weights to participant and examples (38) [janpetschexain]


The first public release of **xain-sdk**



Has known vulnerabilities

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