[XCS Project Home](http://hosford42.github.io/xcs/)
- Updated `README` to point to the HTML version of the tutorial on `pythonhosted.org`
- Interface change - situation tracking
- Added `situation` argument to `ActionSet.__init__()`
- Added `situation` property to `ActionSet`
- Removed now unnecessary `situation` argument to `LCSAlgorithm.update()`
- Added `BitString.random()` to allow `numpy` to be used in bitwise mutations
when it is available.
- Added `BitString.crossover_template()` to allow `numpy` to be used in bit
condition crossover when available.
- Added initialization from ordinary strings to `__init__` methods of `BitString` and `BitCondition`
- Added the ability to detect and switch between numpy versus pure Python `BitString`
- Fixed a bug in `BitString.__getitem__` in both implementations which was
causing the underlying array type to leak through when using slices.
- Added the abstract `reset()` method to `OnLineProblem`, and implemented it
for each problem class.
- Added the `HaystackProblem`, which requires the algorithm to search for a
single relevant bit among a large set of irrelevant ones.
- Fixed a bug where the wildcard probability was being inverted in the
`BitCondition.cover()` method.
- Renamed the tutorial to `XCSTutorial`
- Added new section to the tutorial, _Defining New Problem Types_
The package has been made available as a wheel on pypi under the Revised BSD License and can be installed with pip using the command `pip install xcs`. It can also be downloaded directly from the python [package index](https://pypi.python.org/pypi?:action=display&name=xcs&version=1.0.0a8).