Contributors to this version: Trevor James Smith (:user:`Zeitsperre`), Thomas-Charles Fortier Filion (:user:`TC-FF`), Gabriel Rondeau-Genesse (:user:`RondeauG`).
New features and enhancements
* Added French language support to the documentation. (:issue:`53`, :pull:`55`).
* Added a new set of functions to support creating and updating `pooch` registries, caching testing datasets from `hydrologie/xhydro-testdata`, and ensuring that testing datasets can be loaded into temporary directories. (:pull:`62`).
* `xhydro` is now configured to use `pooch` to download and cache testing datasets from `hydrologie/xhydro-testdata`. (:pull:`62`).
* `xhydro` is now `Semantic Versioning v2.0.0 <https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html>`_ compliant. (:pull:`70`).
* Added new functions to `xhydro.frequency_analysis.local` to calculate plotting positions and to prepare plots. (:pull:`87`).
* `xscen` now supports Python3.12. (:pull:`99`).
* `xscen` now supports `pandas` >= 2.2.0, `xarray` >= 2023.11.0, and `xclim` >= 0.47.0. (:pull:`99`).
* Added `xh.cc.sampled_indicators` to compute future indicators using a perturbation approach and random sampling. (:pull:`54`).
Breaking changes
* Added `pooch` as an installation dependency. (:pull:`62`).
* `xhydro` now requires `xarray`>=2023.11.0, `xclim`>=0.48.2, `xscen`>=0.8.3, and, indirectly, `pandas`>=2.2.0. The main breaking change is in how yearly frequencies are called ('YS-' instead of 'AS-'). (:pull:`54`).
* Functions that output a dict with keys as xrfreq (namely, ``xh.indicators.compute_indicators``) will now return the new nomenclature (e.g. "YS-JAN" instead of "AS-JAN"). (:pull:`54`).
Internal changes
* Added a new module for testing purposes: `xhydro.testing.helpers` with some new functions. (:pull:`62`):
* `generate_registry`: Parses data found in package (`xhydro.testing.data`), and adds it to the `registry.txt`
* `load_registry`: Loads installed (or custom) registry and returns dictionary
* `populate_testing_data`: Fetches the registry and optionally caches files at a different location (helpful for `pytest-xdist`).
* Added a `pre-commit` hook (`numpydoc`) to ensure that `numpy` docstrings are formatted correctly. (:pull:`62`).
* The cookiecutter has been updated to the latest commit (:pull:`70`, :pull:`106`):
* Added some workflows (Change file labelling, Cache cleaning, Dependency scans, `OpenSSF Scorecard <https://securityscorecards.dev/>`_).
* The README has been updated to organize badges in a table, including a badge for the OpenSSF Scorecard.
* Updated pre-commit hook versions to the latest available.
* Formatting tools are now pinned to their pre-commit equivalents.
* `actions-version-updater.yml` has been replaced by `dependabot <https://docs.github.com/en/code-security/dependabot/working-with-dependabot>`_.
* Addressed a handful of misconfigurations in the workflows.
* Updated ruff to v0.2.0 and black to v24.2.0.
* Added a few functions missing from the API to their respective modules via ``__all__``. (:pull:`99`).