- Do not use kukit-devel.js in the tracker. It is nice for debugging when you are developing on the tracker, but not in production. I updated to Firefox 30 and Firebug 2.0 today and the tracker gave a javascript error for kukit-devel.js: ``TypeError: 'log' called on an object that does not implement interface Console.`` It did work when I actually enabled Firebug. Bonus: now it works on Safari too. [maurits]
- Never cache the tracker view. It always needs to be fresh. [maurits]
- Moved to github: https://github.com/zestsoftware/xm.tracker [maurits]
- Removed base2 library from head section. [jladage]
- Fixed translation of invalid time message. [maurits]
- Explicitly load the permissions.zcml file from Products.eXtremeManagement, otherwise you can get a ComponentLookupError on zope startup. [maurits]