
Latest version: v1.1.4

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* Added two functionalities from the old xpdacq back. glbl['dk_window'] = 300.0 will set the max_age in the first dark frame preprocessor to be 300.0 * 60.0 second. glbl['frame_acq_time'] = 0.1 will set the xpd_configuration['area_det'] frame acquisition time to be 0.1 s.




* Add the `xpdacq.twodetectors.TwoDectectors` module. It contains the plans to collect XRD and PDF on two detectors.


* Fixed the bug in scan plans. It now has the correct order of dimensions.




* Add the missing data files for `simulators` module in the pypi release.




* Change all databroker clients to `v2` version.


* Fix bugs caused by API changes in `databroker`. Make sure the package compatible with `databroker 2.0` and `bluesky 1.10`.




* Add `CalibPreprocessor` to record calibration data and put the data in the `calib` data stream.

* Add `DarkPreprocessor` to add taking dark frame steps into the plan, snapshot the dark frame and add it in the `dark` data stream.

* Add `ShutterPreprocessor` to open the shutter before the trigger of detector and close it after the wait.

* Add `xpdcaq.simulators` module. It contains the simulated devices for testing.

* Add `UserInterface` to create the objects necessary in the ipython session.


* `periodic_dark` and `take_dark` are no longer used in `CustomizeRunEngine`. The dark frame is taken care by `DarkPreprocessor`.

* Setting `frame_acq_time` no longer changes the detector acquire time immmediately. The value will be read and used to set the acquire time when using the xpdacq customizd plans, like `ct`, `Tlist`, `Tramp` and `tseries`.

* `CustomizedRunEngine` no longer loads the calibration data at the `open_run`. The calibration data is handled by `CalibPreprocessor`.

* `auto_load_calib` no longer used in the global setting since the `CustomizedRunEngine` no longers loads the calibration data.

* `inner_shutter_control` is no longer used in the xpdacq customized plans. The shutter control is given to `ShutterPreprocessor`.


* Skip the outdated tests and make CI tests run smoothly.




* Remind users to tune the `glbl['auto_load_calib']` before using the `count_with_calib`.


* Fix the issue that the shutter will open before the dark run when using `count_with_calib`.

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