* Breaking changes:
- See :doc:`/migration_guide` for full details
- All methods wait for asynchronous operations to complete by default
(see the new :code:`wait=<bool>` parameter)
- Iterating over the result of :any:`AsyncClient.listdir()` no longer
requires the additional await keyword.
- Number of returned items of :any:`Client.get_files()` /
:any:`AsyncClient.get_files()` is now controlled by the :code:`max_items`
parameter, rather than :code:`limit`
- Methods :code:`set_token()`, :code:`set_headers()` of :any:`Session` and
:any:`AsyncSession` were removed
- Some methods no longer accept the :code:`fields` parameter
- :any:`Client.get_last_uploaded()` / :any:`AsyncClient.get_last_uploaded()`
now return a list instead of a generator
- :code:`yadisk.api` is now a private module
- All private modules were renamed to have names that start with :code:`_`
(e.g, :code:`yadisk._api`)
* New features:
- Added methods to wait until an asynchronous operation completes
(see :any:`Client.wait_for_operation()` / :any:`AsyncClient.wait_for_operation()`)
- Methods that may start an asynchronous operation now accept additional
parameters: :python:`wait: bool = True`,
:python:`poll_interval: float = 1.0` and
:python:`poll_timeout: Optional[float] = None`
- :any:`Client.listdir()`, :any:`Client.get_files()` and their async
variants now accept a new parameter
:python:`max_items: Optional[int] = None`, which can be used to limit
the maximum number of returned items
- Most :any:`Client` and :any:`AsyncClient` methods now accept an optional
parameter :python:`retry_on: Optional[Tuple[Type[Exception], ...]] = None`,
which lets you specify a tuple of additional exceptions that can trigger
an automatic retry
- :any:`yadisk.types` module is now public
- Added basic logging of outgoing API requests and automatic retries
- The logger instance for the library can be accessed as
- Added :any:`YaDiskObject.field()` and the :code:`` operator
(:any:`YaDiskObject.__matmul__()`) which verify that the given field is
not :code:`None`
- Added :any:`Client.get_upload_link_object()`,
:any:`AsyncClient.get_upload_link_object()` whose return values
additionally contain :code:`operation_id`
- :any:`utils.auto_retry()` now accepts more parameters
- Added a few missing fields for :any:`DiskInfoObject`
- :any:`EXIFObject` now contains GPS coordinates
- :any:`CaseInsensitiveDict` is now part of :any:`yadisk.utils`
* Improvements:
- Added full type hints for :any:`Client`, :any:`AsyncClient` through
:code:`.pyi` stub files
- Docstrings for :any:`Client` / :any:`AsyncClient` now include more
- Errors during JSON processing (e.g. :any:`InvalidResponseError`) also
trigger automatic retries
- Error message when the default session module is not available is now
less confusing (see `issue 43`_)
- Reduced :any:`Client.listdir()`'s default :code:`limit` to :code:`500`
from :code:`10000` to avoid timeouts on large directories (see `issue 45`_)
- Reduced :any:`Client.get_files()`'s default :code:`limit` to :code:`200`
from :code:`1000` to avoid timeouts
- :any:`Client.download()` and similar methods no longer set
:code:`Connection: close` header, since it's not necessary (unlike with
- :any:`UnknownYaDiskError` now includes status code in the error message
* Bug fixes:
- Fixed :code:`httpx`- and :code:`aiohttp`-based session implementations
not converting their exceptions to :any:`RequestError` in their
:any:`Response.json()` / :any:`AsyncResponse.json()` implementations
- Fixed :python:`stream=True` not being set by default in
:any:`AsyncClient.download()`, :any:`AsyncClient.download_public()`
* Other changes:
- :code:`typing_extensions` is now required for Python < 3.10