* This CHANGELOG. * Type hint support in compliance with `PEP 526`_ and `PEP 561`_. * Use mypy for static type checking. * Dependency on mypy_ when running on Python 3.4.
Changed ^^^^^^^
* Changed from a module based distribution to a package based distribution.
Removed ^^^^^^^
* Unused rule from tox_ configuration.
Fixed ^^^^^
* Packaging bug related to yzal being a module only package.
Added ^^^^^
* Travis CI integration testing. * Support for tox_.
Changed ^^^^^^^
* Moved from ALPHA to BETA status. * :code:`requirements.txt` is used only for development, release dependencies are now in :code:`setup.py`.
Fixed ^^^^^
* Bad links in README.
Added ^^^^^
* :code:`Thunk` class to delay a computation until it's value is needed. * :code:`strict` function to force a :code:`Thunk` be evaluated. * :code:`lazy` decorator to construct lazy functions.