- Added new **parent_column_index** field in BulkWrite FieldMapping class.
- Added new **file_names** field in BulkWrite Resource class.
- Org **time_zone** field datatype changed(TimeZone to str).
- Added new **move_attachments_to** field in the LeadConverter class.
- Update [RecordLockingOperations](https://github.com/zoho/zohocrm-python-sdk-5.0/blob/281411dad8dc16dcbdf56dd7b239deecc16691c0/versions/2.0.0/zohocrmsdk/src/com/zoho/crm/api/record_locking/record_locking_operations.py#L12) class constructor and methods.
- ScoringRules Signal **namespace** field datatype changed(Choice<str> to str).
- ShiftHours **timezone** field datatype changed (TimeZone to str).
- Tags RecordActionWrapper **locked_count** field datatype changed(bool to str).
- Users **time_zone** field datatype changed(TimeZone to str).
- Note class **seModule** field datatype changed(Choice<str> to str).
- UsersTerritories Territory **id** field datatype changed(int to str).
- VariablesOperations [update_variable_by_apiname](https://github.com/zoho/zohocrm-python-sdk-5.0/blob/281411dad8dc16dcbdf56dd7b239deecc16691c0/versions/2.0.0/zohocrmsdk/src/com/zoho/crm/api/variables/variables_operations.py#L271) method add new ParameterMap param.
- RescheduleHistory ResponseWrapper **info** field datatype changed(List<into> to info).
- **If-Modified-Since** param datatype changed (String to DateTime).
- GetNotesHeader
- GetNoteHeader
- **IDS** param datatype changed(Long to String).
- GetAttachmentsParam
- DeleteAttachmentsParam
- DeleteRolesParam
- GetAssociatedContactRolesParam
- DeleteNotesParam
- DeleteScoringRulesParam
- DeleteTerritoriesParam
- DeassociateTerritoryUsersParam
- DeleteVariablesParam
- Support for the following new APIs.
- MailMerge:
- [Send Mail Merge](https://www.zoho.com/crm/developer/docs/api/v5/send-mail-merge.html)
- [Sign Mail Merge](https://www.zoho.com/crm/developer/docs/api/v5/sign-mail-merge.html)
- [Download Mail Merge](https://www.zoho.com/crm/developer/docs/api/v5/download-mail-merge.html)
For more details, kindly refer to [here](/versions/2.0.0/README.md).
- Install **Python SDK**
- Navigate to the workspace of your client app.
- Run the command below:
pip install zohocrmsdk5-0==2.0.0
- Dependencies that should be included in your project
- install **urllib3**
pip install urllib3
- install **requests**
pip install requests
- install **python-dateutil**
pip install python-dateutil
- install **setuptools**
pip install setuptools
- install **mysql-connector-python**
pip install mysql-connector-python