* Improved how the :ref:`default retry policy <default-retry-policy>` handles
:ref:`temporary download errors <zapi-temporary-download-errors>`.
Before, 3 HTTP 429 responses followed by a single HTTP 520 response would
have prevented a retry. Now, unrelated responses and errors do not count
towards the HTTP 520 retry limit.
* Improved how the :ref:`default retry policy <default-retry-policy>` handles
network errors. Before, after 15 minutes of unsuccessful responses (e.g. HTTP
429), any network error would prevent a retry. Now, network errors must happen
15 minutes in a row, without different errors in between, to stop retries.
* Implemented an optional :ref:`aggressive retry policy
<aggressive-retry-policy>`, which retries more errors more often, and could
be useful for long crawls or websites with a low success rate.
* Improved the exception that is raised when passing an invalid retrying policy
object to a :ref:`Python client <api>`.