What's Changed
* Resolving Dependabot Alerts by andrewyang94 in https://github.com/atoti/atoti/pull/902
* Revising DirectQuery Notebooks by andrewyang94 in https://github.com/atoti/atoti/pull/900
* Updates dependabot.yml to organize PRs to minor-patch-updates + major-updates, and enables auto-rebase by andrewyang94 in https://github.com/atoti/atoti/pull/922
* Reverting jupyterlab to <4.2 and setting ignore clause for dependabot.yml by andrewyang94 in https://github.com/atoti/atoti/pull/926
* Updating Top-Level README by andrewyang94 in https://github.com/atoti/atoti/pull/933
* Updating remaining READMEs with new branding by andrewyang94 in https://github.com/atoti/atoti/pull/939
* Updating Atoti Python API README video by andrewyang94 in https://github.com/atoti/atoti/pull/950
* Upgrading Notebooks to Atoti Python API version `0.9.0` by andrewyang94 in https://github.com/atoti/atoti/pull/916
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/atoti/atoti/compare/v0.8.14...v0.9.0