
Latest version: v1.3.1

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* Added: ``audformat.MiscTable``
which can store data
not associated with media files
* Added: store scheme labels in a misc table
* Added: dictionary ``audformat.Database.misc_tables``
holding misc tables of a database
* Added: ``audformat.utils.difference()``
for finding index entries
that are only part of a single index
for a given sequence of indices
* Added: ``audformat.utils.is_index_alike()``
for checking if a sequence of indices
has the same number of levels,
level names,
and matching dtypes
* Added: ``audformat.define.DataType.OBJECT``
* Added: ``audformat.utils.set_index_dtypes()``
to change dtypes of an index
* Added: ``audformat.testing.add_misc_table()``
* Added: ``audformat.Database.__iter__``
iterates through all (misc) tables,
e.g. a user can do ``list(db)``
to get a list of all (misc) tables
* Changed: ``audformat.Database.update()``
can now join schemes
with different labels
* Changed: ``audformat.utils.union()``,
and ``audformat.utils.concat()``
now support any kind of index
* Changed: ``audformat.utils.intersect()``
no longer removes segments
from a segmented index
that are contained
in a filewise index
* Changed: require ``pandas>=1.4.1``
* Changed: use ``pandas`` dtype ``"string"``
instead of ``"object"``
for storing ``audformat`` dtype ``"str"`` entries
* Changed: use a misc table
to store the ``"speaker"`` scheme labels
in the emodb example
in the documentation
* Changed: ``audformat.utils.join_labels()``
raises ``ValueError``
if labels are of different dtype
* Fixed: ensure column IDs are different from index level names
* Fixed: make sure
converts data to dtype of scheme
before checking if values are in min-max-range
of scheme
* Fixed: links to ``pandas`` API in the documentation
* Fixed: include methods
and attributes
in the documentation for the classes
* Fixed: type hint of argument ``dtype``
in the documentation of ``audformat.Scheme``
* Removed: support for Python 3.7



* Added: ``audformat.utils.map_country()``
* Changed: improve speed of ``audformat.Table.drop_files()``
for segmented tables



* Added: ``audformat.utils.index_has_overlap()``
* Added: ``audformat.utils.iter_index_by_file()``
* Changed: store categories with integers as ``int64`` instead of ``Int64``
* Changed: require ``audeer>=1.18.0``
* Changed: support ``pandas>=1.4.0``



* Added: ``audformat.utils.map_file_path()``



* Changed: ensure ``audformat.testing.create_database()``
uses Unix path separators
* Changed: don't allow ``\`` path entries
in a portable database
* Changed: mark deprecated ``root`` argument
of ``audformat.testing.create_audio_files()``
to be removed in version 1.0.0



* Fixed: conversion of pickle protocol 5 files
to pickle protocol 4 in cache

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