`Added` - Option to rebuild conda envs to default location - Updated fastq-dl for sra-toolkit forced interaction workaround
`Fixed` - `--min_basepairs` and `--min_reads` not being honored
`Fixed` - `annotate_genome` name clashes - Updated `fastq-dl` version to support new ENA API endpoint
`Added` - `--skip_ariba` option in `bactopia datasets`
`Fixed` - `bactopia versions` and `bactopia citations` improper execution - Convert spaces to tabs in citation doc - Corrected CheckM name in program version info file - CARD no longer default Ariba dataset download for `bactopia datasets`
`Added` - added requirement checks of `--accessions` in `bactopia datasets` - improved ENA spell check for species name
`Fixed` - file of accessions not working with `bactopia datasets` - Dockerfile and Singularity being missed by `update-version.sh`
`Added` - Links to publication (woohoo!) - Can pass a Prodigal training file to `bactopia datasets`
`Fixed` - Typos in the Docs - blast_primers now uses `blastn` and blast_genes uses `megablast` - validExitStatus deprecation warning