
Latest version: v4.2.0

Safety actively analyzes 714875 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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> 18 June 2024

- chore(deps): bump urllib3 from 2.2.1 to 2.2.2 [`105`](
- chore(deps-dev): bump tornado from 6.4 to 6.4.1 [`104`](
- chore: update dependencies [`103`](
- chore(deps): bump typing-extensions from 4.11.0 to 4.12.2 [`90`](
- chore(deps): bump requests from 2.32.2 to 2.32.3 [`91`](
- chore(deps): bump fsspec from 2024.5.0 to 2024.6.0 [`92`](
- chore(deps): bump packaging from 24.0 to 24.1 [`93`](
- chore(deps): bump tornado from 6.4 to 6.4.1 [`94`](
- :package: Add missing_mga to analize the missing values and clean dataset [`95`](
- chore(deps): bump pyarrow from 15.0.2 to 16.1.0 [`88`](
- chore(deps): bump pytest from 8.2.1 to 8.2.2 [`87`](
- chore(deps): bump requests from 2.32.2 to 2.32.3 [`89`](
- chore(deps): bump certifi from 2024.2.2 to 2024.6.2 [`86`](
- chore(deps): bump fonttools from 4.51.0 to 4.53.0 [`85`](
- feat: fine adjusts [`84`](
- chore(deps): bump pytest from 8.2.1 to 8.2.2 [`83`](
- chore(deps): bump prompt-toolkit from 3.0.43 to 3.0.46 [`82`](
- chore(deps): bump ipython from 8.18.1 to 8.25.0 [`80`](
- chore(deps): bump zipp from 3.18.2 to 3.19.2 [`81`](
- chore(deps): bump pyarrow from 15.0.2 to 16.1.0 [`79`](
- Added dependabot [`78`](
- Added refactor for tests [`77`](
- Update Readme [`76`](
- AddedSVGCodeCove [`75`](
- feature: Tests and Logs Refactor [`74`](
- UpdateReadme [`73`](
- UpdateReadme [`72`](
- UpdateReadme [`71`](
- feat: Added CodeCov on CI [`69`](
- RemoveEnvFiles [`68`](
- hotfix-FolderLog [`66`](
- Update Readme + Docker Compose [`65`](
- feat: PEP8 Conventions [`63`](
- refactor: Construtor API Data Extractor [`59`](
- feat: Added GitHub Sponsors [`58`](
- Update Readme [`57`](
- Update Branch [`56`](
- [Feature] Update Readme [`55`](
- [FEATURE] Arch Changes [`51`](
- chore: Update .gitattributes file to set Python as the language for H… [`50`](
- [Feature] Update Docs [`49`](
- Update feature-MVCImplement [`48`](
- chore: Update WorkFlow and Jupyter Notebook [`47`](
- Feature - Added GitPages to Readme + Add Icons to Readme [`46`](
- [Feature] Deploy from README [`45`](
- chore: MVCImplement [`43`](
- chore: Update CI-CD.yaml to commit and push notebook changes [`42`](
- chore: Update CI-CD.yaml to deploy artifacts to GitHub Pages [`40`](
- [PROD] As a Package [`36`](
- [PROD] Update Readme + Minor Changes [`35`](
- [PROD] Added Git Commit for Index.HTML [`32`](
- [PROD] Remove Notebook Scripts [`31`](
- [PROD] Update Workflow [`30`](
- chore: Update CI/CD workflow to include lazy loading for images [`29`](
- feat: add query to get average ASK and BID by day [`28`](
- feat: remove doge restrition [`27`](
- [PROD] Added tests dependencie [`26`](
- [BUILD] added python as notebooks languages [`18`](
- [PROD] Added .gitatts [`17`](
- [PROD] fix: tqdm to requirements [`15`](
- [PROD] Added env. var + progress bar [`14`](
- [PROD] Poetry retrocompatibility [`13`](
- fix: added volume for shared generated files folder [`10`](
- [PROD] feature: Added threads info for logging [`9`](
- [PROD] SQL Data Analysis with Jupyter Notebook [`7`](
- [PROD] Create v1.0.0 [`6`](
- Update notebook data_explorer.ipynb with heading for listing all files [`5`](
- Initial Commit [`b7c7230`](
- Add generated HTML to README [`426c370`](
- Update README [`6da7fff`](



Has known vulnerabilities

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