
Latest version: v1.15.0

Safety actively analyzes 649474 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Nothing changed yet.



* Add support for Python 3.6.

* Drop support for Python 3.3.

* 100% test coverage.



* Drop Python 2.6 and 3.2 support.

* Actually support Python 3.



* Flush output buffers before executing external commands. Previously
if you did, e.g. eazysvn branchdiff > DIFF, you would see the output of svn
diff above the svn diff command itself.

* Fix command alias handling on windows
Patch by Timon Wong <timon86.wanggmail.com>.

* Support Python 3.



* New argument: ``ezmerge --accept=ARG``, passed directly to subversion.

* Moved the source code from self-hosted Subversion to GitHub.



* A somewhat better error message for ``ezswitch -c newbranch`` when eazysvn
is unable to understand the branch structure (LP446369).

* ``ezswitch -t tagname; ezswitch branchname`` switches to a branch named
``branchname`` instead of trying to switch to a tag named ``branchname``
(LP617888, fix by Wolfgang Schnerring).

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