.. _bug_fixes-0.3.0:
Bug Fixes
* Make error handlers order of registration respected when handling errors (202) [avilaton]
* add prefix to config setting (114) [heeplr]
* Doc fixes [openbrian, mikhailpashkov, rich0rd, Rich107, kashyapm94, SteadBytes, ziirish]
* Use relative path for `api.specs_url` (188) [jslay88]
* Allow example=False (203) [ogenstad]
* Add support for recursive models (110) [peterjwest, buggyspace, Drarok, edwardfung123]
* generate choices schema without collectionFormat (164) [leopold-p]
* Catch TypeError in marshalling (75) [robyoung]
* Unable to access nested list propert (91) [arajkumar]
.. _enhancements-0.3.0:
* Update Python versions [johnthagen]
* allow strict mode when validating model fields (186) [maho]
* Make it possible to include "unused" models in the generated swagger documentation (90)[volfpeter]
.. _section-0.2.0: