
Latest version: v0.8.4

Safety actively analyzes 665704 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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3. pretty_print lists a list of external modules in `wrap_imported_operators`.



- Visualizations as SVG with links and tooltips in jupyter notebook >=7.
- Eliminated dependency on numpy<2 directly in Lale, but note that some packages that are used with Lale still depend on numpy<2.


* Improvements to the release deployment scripts


This release includes minor bug fixes

* Fix for xgb classifier without a label encoder
* URL links fix to open them in new tab
* Use newer AIF360 version that does not require an upper bound on numpy version


- Add support for Python 3.11
- The SMAC hyperoptimization backend is not currently supported on 3.11
- Add support for scikit-learn 1.3 and 1.4
- Update supported versions of numpy, scipy, pandas, xgboost, lightgbm, snapml, and tensorflow
- AIF360 does not currently support numpy>=1.24, so testing for aif360 libraries is done using an older version of numpy
- Fix readthedocs build so our documentation is correctly updated
- Add label encoding to our wrapper for XGBClassifier, since it longer does this.
- Shuffle data in some batching tests to (mostly) avoid problems with encoding
- Remove support for Python 3.7 and scikit-learn < 1.0
- Remove autoai_libs wrappers and tests (they have been moved into the autoai_libs package).

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