--- - use selenium manager to automatically download the chromedriver binary (614) - add new endpoint for tags (608) - add new endpoint for getting rules (609) - add term to recognize choose account page (612) - add bills to CLI and fix calling wrong endpoint (621)
--- - backwards compatability when using positional arguments for email and password. (592)
--- - use a RESTful API architecture instead of heavily relying on Selenium (482) - you can opt-in to full use of this via `--use-rest-client` (CLI) or `use_rest_client=True` (Python) - improved detection of refresh status (583)
--- - update selenium-requests dep to >=2.0.3 which should future-proof chrome updates
--- - prevent email MFA check from marking messages as read (568) - handle additional refresh sync status message (575)
--- - update selenium-requests dep to >=2.0.1 (553, 564, 566)