=== Library ===
==== IMPORTANT: Distributions parametrization changes ====
* New argument ordering in Frechet ctor: scale(beta), shape(alpha), location(gamma) (swapped alpha and beta)
* New parametrization in Gumbel: scale(beta), position(gamma) (beta=1/alpha for first argument)
* New parametrization in Beta: shape(alpha), shape(beta), location(a), location(b) (beta=t-r for second argument)
* New parametrization in InverseGamma: rate(lambda), shape(k) (swapped arguments)
* New parametrization in InverseNormal: location(mu), rate(lambda) (swapped arguments)
* New parametrization in Laplace: mean(mu), rate(lambda) (swapped arguments)
=> One can use "import openturns.shims as ot" to maintain compatibility with older scripts
==== Major changes ====
* New optimization solvers (Dlib, Bonmin for mixed integer optimization problems)
* New distributions (SquaredNormal, WeibullMax, Pareto, DiscreteCompoundDistribution, MixedHistogramUserDefined)
* New estimators (ParetoFactory, GeneralizedExtremeValueFactory, LeastSquaresDistributionFactory, PlackettCopulaFactory)
* New copulas (JoeCopula, MarshallOlkinCopula, PlackettCopula)
* Linear model learner (LinearModelStepwiseAlgorithm)
* System events (IntersectionEvent, UnionEvent, SystemFORM, MultiFORM)
==== New classes ====
* Dlib
* SquaredNormal
* NullHessian
* GumbelLambdaGamma
* LogNormalMuErrorFactor
* WeibullMax
* WeibullMaxFactory
* WeibullMaxMuSigma
* GeneralizedExtremeValueFactory
* Pareto
* LeastSquaresDistributionFactory
* ParetoFactory
* DiscreteCompoundDistribution
* Bonmin
* IntersectionEvent
* UnionEvent
* SystemFORM
* MultiFORM
* JoeCopula
* MarginalEvaluation/Gradient/Hessian
* MarshallOlkinCopula
* LinearModelStepwiseAlgorithm
* MixedHistogramUserDefined
* PlackettCopula
* PlackettCopulaFactory
==== API changes ====
* FittingTest methods to return fitted distributions with factory as argument
* Removed deprecated specific RandomVector constructors
* Removed deprecated HypothesisTest::Smirnov
* Removed deprecated FittingTest::TwoSamplesKolmogorov
* Removed deprecated LinearModel, LinearModelFactory
* Removed deprecated HypothesisTest::(Partial|Full)Regression
* Removed deprecated OptimizationProblem(levelFunction, levelValue) ctor
* Removed deprecated (Linear|Quadratic)(LeastSquares|Taylor)::getResponseSurface
* Removed deprecated VisualTest::DrawEmpiricalCDF,DrawHistogram,DrawClouds
* Moved dot to Point::dot
* Deprecated Weibull in favor of WeibullMin
* Deprecated WeibullMuSigma in favor of WeibullMinMuSigma
* Deprecated WeibullFactory in favor of WeibullMinFactory, buildAsWeibull
* Deprecated GumbelAB
* Deprecated GaussianNonLinearCalibration,NonLinearLeastSquaresCalibration::set,getAlgorithm
* Added getConditionalMarginalCovariance method to KrigingResult
* Added getConditionalMarginalVariance method to KrigingResult
* Deprecated OptimizationAlgorithm::GetLeastSquaresAlgorithmNames
* Added linearity features to Function
* Added 'removeKey' method to ResourceMap
* Removed Copula class
* Deprecated Event class, use ThresholdEvent/ProcessEvent/DomainEvent classes
* Deprecated EnumerateFunction constructors
* Added a minimum probability accessor to SubsetSampling
* Added a UniVariateFunction interface to solvers and integration algorithms
=== Python module ===
* Add Domain.__contains__ operator
=== Miscellaneous ===
* Add GeneralizedPareto location parameter
* Add getSobolGroupedTotalIndex method for FunctionalChaosSobolIndices for the indice of a group of variables
=== Bug fixes ===
* 997 (Adding minimum volume set examples)
* 1004 (The doc for SobolSimulationAlgorithm has issues)
* 1006 (Text drawable does not handle size)
* 1130 (Inconsistency in FittingTest)
* 1160 (2-d GaussianProcess realization graph regression)
* 1169 (Missing key in ResourceMap)
* 1173 (There is no dot product example)
* 1185 (Bug with Normal.computeMinimumLevelSet method)
* 1190 (computeProbability clamped by Domain-SmallVolume)
* 1197 (Doc error: TrendTransform)
* 1198 (Doc error: ValueFunction)
* 1202 (Sample::sort & Sample::sortAccordingToAComponent only return new Samples)
* 1204 (sortAccordingToAComponent does not check its inputs arguments)
* 1209 (LinearModelStepwiseAlgorithm from otlm does not exist in OT)
* 1216 (The CalibrationResult doc does not match the code)
* 1247 (KrigingAlgorithm could not compute amplitude analytically with ProductCovarianceModel )
* 1264 (ProductCovarianceModel ignore active parameters of its 1d marginals)
* 1282 (The dlib example fails)
* 1283 (LogNormalFactory::buildMethodOfLeastSquares has no doc)
* 1289 (The help page of PythonFunction has formatting issues)
* 1303 (Rosenblatt transformation segfault)