=== Library ===
==== Major changes ====
==== New classes ====
* FrechetFactory
* Fehlberg
* TranslationFunction
* DomainComplement, DomainIntersection, DomainUnion, DomainDisjunctiveUnion, DomainDifference
* SmoothedUniform
* NearestNeighbourAlgorithm, RegularGridNearestNeighbour, NaiveNearestNeighbour, NearestNeighbour1D
* EnclosingSimplex, EnclosingSimplexImplementation, NaiveEnclosingSimplex, RegularGridEnclosingSimplex, EnclosingSimplexMonotonic1D, BoundingVolumeHierarchy
* IndicesCollection
* SymbolicParserExprTk
* EvaluationProxy
* MemoizeFunction, MemoizeEvaluation
* Evaluation, Gradient, Hessian
* MeshDomain
* NormInfEnumerateFunction
* FunctionalChaosSobolIndices
* P1LagrangeInterpolation
* FilonQuadrature
==== API changes ====
* Removed deprecated NumericalMathFunction class
* Removed deprecated QuadraticNumericalMathFunction class
* Removed deprecated LinearNumericalMathFunction class
* Removed deprecated NumericalSample class
* Removed deprecated NumericalPoint[WithDescription] class
* Removed deprecated NumericalScalarCollection class
* Removed deprecated NumericalComplexCollection class
* Removed deprecated PosteriorRandomVector class
* Removed deprecated ConditionedNormalProcess class
* Removed deprecated ResourceMap::[SG]AsNumericalScalar methods
* Removed deprecated SpecFunc::*NumericalScalar* constants
* Removed deprecated PlatformInfo::GetConfigureCommandLine method
* Removed deprecated Field::getSample method
* Removed deprecated SobolIndicesAlgorithm::Generate method
* Removed deprecated NumericalScalar, NumericalComplex types
* Removed deprecated Function constructors
* CorrelationAnalysis::(Pearson|Spearman)Correlation accepts a multivariate sample and returns a Point
* Deprecated Field::getDimension, getSpatialDimension, getSpatialMean, getTemporalMean
* Deprecated Process::getDimension, getSpatialDimension
* Deprecated CovarianceModel::getDimension, getSpatialDimension, getSpatialCorrelation, setSpatialCorrelation
* Deprecated SecondOrderModel::getDimension, getSpatialDimension
* Deprecated SpectralModel::getDimension, getSpatialDimension, getSpatialCorrelation
* Deprecated TruncatedDistribution single bound accessors in favor of setBounds/getBounds
* Deprecated remaining analytical & database Function ctors
* Mesh constructor no longer builds a KDTree, new method Mesh::setNearestNeighbourAlgorithm must be called explicitly
* Deprecated Domain::numericallyContains, isEmpty, isNumericallyEmpty, getVolume, getNumericalVolume, computeVolume, getLowerBound, getUpperBound
* Add an argument to KarhunenLoeveQuadratureAlgorithm to pass domain bounds
* Add an argument to Mesh::streamToVTKFile() and Mesh::exportToVTKFile() to pass custom simplices
* All KDTree methods are modified
* IndicesCollection is no more an alias to Collection<Indices>, it has its own class and has a fixed size
* Removed BipartiteGraph::add method
* Deprecated usage of _e and _pi constants when defining analytical functions, e_ and pi_ must be used instead.
* Removed Function::enableHistory,disableHistory,isHistoryEnabled,clearHistory,getHistoryInput,getHistoryOutput,getInputPointHistory,getInputParameterHistory
* Removed Function::enableCache,disableCache,isCacheEnabled,getCacheHits,addCacheContent,getCacheInput,getCacheOutput,clearCache
* Added Drawable::getPaletteAsNormalizedRGBA() to get the palette into a native matplotlib format.
* Changed DistributionImplementation::getCopula,getMarginal,getStandardRepresentative,getStandardDistribution to return a Distribution instead of Pointer<DistributionImplementation>
* Changed DistributionFactoryImplementation::build to return a Distribution instead of Pointer<DistributionImplementation>
* Changed ProcessImplementation::getMarginal to return a Process instead of Pointer<ProcessImplementation>
* Changed RandomVector::getAntecedent,getMarginal to return a RandomVector instead of Pointer<RandomVectorImplementation>
* Changed all {get,set}{Evaluation,Gradient,Hessian} methods to work on Evaluation/Gradient/Hessian instead of Pointer
* Deprecated SobolIndicesAlgorithm::setBootstrapConfidenceLevel, getBootstrapConfidenceLevel
* TNC, Cobyla, EGO are parametrized by setMaximumEvaluationNumber instead of setMaximumIterationNumber
* Removed all KDTree services from Mesh,RegularGrid,Field::getNearestVertex, getNearestVertexIndex, etc, client code must use NearestNeighbourAlgorithm if needed
* Changed Mesh to not derive from DomainImplementation
* Deprecated Mesh::computeSimplexVolume, use Mesh::computeSimplicesVolume instead
* Deprecated Mesh,Interval::computeVolume
* Deprecated FunctionalChaosRandomVector::getSobol* methods in favor of FunctionalChaosSensitivity ones
* DeprecatedEvaluation,EvaluationImplementation,EvaluationProxy,Function,FunctionImplementation,ParametricEvaluation::operator()(inP,parameter)
* Deprecated Gradient,GradientImplementation,ParametricGradient::gradient(inP,parameter)
* Deprecated Hessian,HessianImplementation,ParametricHessian::hessian(inP,parameter)
=== Python module ===
* Depend on swig>=2.0.9
=== Miscellaneous ===
* Multivariate TruncatedDistribution
* Asymptotic Sobol' variance estimators
=== Bug fixes ===
* 870 (Problem with TensorizedCovarianceModel with spatial dim > 1)
* 926 (Covariance model active parameter set behavior)
* 928 (Covariance model/ Field/Process properties naming)
* 932 (Optim algo iteration/evaluation number)
* 937 (Small bugs in FunctionalChaosResult::get{Residuals, RelativeErrors})
* 938 (DistributionFactory::buildEstimator to handle Exception)
* 939 (The help of the getMaximumDegreeStrataIndex method is wrong.)
* 941 (Duplicate with SobolIndicesExperiment)
* 944 (Inline plots crash in notebooks if too many points)
* 945 (build fails with cmake 3.11)
* 946 (OT via anaconda, usage of ot.HypothesisTest error: R_EXECUTABLE-NOTFOUND)
* 947 (EmpiricalBernsteinCopula::setCopulaSample() too restrictive)
* 948 (Bug with BayesDistribution)
* 950 (Circular call to getShape() in Copula)