
Latest version: v1.23

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=== Library ===

==== Major changes ====
* Optimization API rework
* New parametrization of covariance models
* Changed behaviour of ExponentialCauchy
* KrigingAlgorithm rework

==== New classes ====
* OptimizationSolver, OptimizationProblem
* SLSQP, LBFGS, NelderMead optimization algorithms from NLopt
* DiracCovarianceModel, TensorizedCovarianceModel
* HMatrixParameters: support class for HMat
* KarhunenLoeveP1Factory: Karhunen-Loeve decomposition of a covariance model using a P1 Lagrange interpolation
* GeneralizedLinearModelAlgorithm, GeneralizedLinearModelResult: estimate parameters of a generalized linear model
* BipartiteGraph: red/black graph
* CumulativeDistributionNetwork: high dimensional distribution using a collection of (usually) small dimension
distributions and a bipartite graph describing the interactions between these distributions
* AdaptiveStieltjesAlgorithm: orthonormal polynomials wrt arbitrary measures using adaptive integration
* MaximumLikelihoodFactory: generic maximum likelihood distribution estimation service

==== API changes ====
* Removed BoundConstrainedAlgorithm class
* Removed NearestPointAlgorithm class
* Deprecated AbdoRackwitz|Cobyla|SQP::[gs]etLevelFunction|[gs]etLevelValue
* Deprecated (AbdoRackwitz|Cobyla|SQP|TNC)SpecificParameters classes
* Replaced KrigingAlgorithm::[gs]etOptimizer methods by KrigingAlgorithm::[gs]etOptimizationSolver
* Removed ConfidenceInterval class
* Removed draw method to CovarianceModel
* Added Distribution::[sg]etParameter parameter value accessors
* Added Distribution::getParameterDescription parameter description accessor
* Deprecated method Distribution::setParametersCollection(NP)
* Removed CovarianceModel::getParameters
* Added CovarianceModel::getParameter
* Added CovarianceModel::getParameterDescription
* Moved CovarianceModel::setParameters to CovarianceModel::setParameter
* Added discretizeAndFactorize method to covariance model classes
* Added discretizeHMatrix method to covariance model classes
* Added discretizeAndFactorizeHMatrix method to covariance model classes
* Deprecated OptimizationSolver::setMaximumIterationsNumber in favor of OptimizationSolver::[sg]etMaximumIterationNumber
* Moved NumericalMathFunction::[sg]etParameters to NumericalMathFunction::[sg]etParameter
* Moved NumericalMathFunction::parametersGradient to NumericalMathFunction::parameterGradient
* Removed NumericalMathFunction::[sg]etInitial(Evaluation|Gradient|Hessian)Implementation
* Renamed DistributionImplementationFactory to DistributionFactoryImplementation
* Extended BoxCoxFactory::build to generalized linear models

=== Python module ===
* Support infix operator for matrix multiplication (PEP465)

=== Miscellaneous ===
* Enhanced print of samples
* Dropped old library wrappers

=== Bug fixes ===
* 784 (Troubles with UserDefinedFactory/UserDefined)
* 790 (AbdoRackwitz parameters)
* 796 (Beta distribution: if sample contains Inf, freeze on getSample)
* 797 (computeProbability might be wrong when distribution arithmetic is done)
* 798 (Error message misstyping (Gamma distribution))
* 799 (Error message misstyping (Gumbel distribution factory))
* 800 (Exponential distribution built on constant sample)
* 804 (no IntervalMesher documentation content)
* 805 (Python segfault in computeSilvermanBandwidth)
* 806 (DistributionImplementation::computeCDFParallel crash)
* 808 (Index check of SymmetricTensor fails when embedded within a PythonFunction)
* 812 (Sphinx documentation build error)


=== Library ===

==== Major changes ====
* Improved encapsulation of hmat-oss to use H-Matrices in more classes
* Kriging metamodelling becomes vectorial
* Conditional normal realizations
* Polynomial chaos performance improvements (413)

==== New classes ====
* VonMises, distribution
* Frechet, distribution
* ParametrizedDistribution, to reparametrize a distribution
* DistributionParameters, ArcsineMuSigma, BetaMuSigma, GumbelAB, GumbelMuSigma, GammaMuSigma, LogNormalMuSigma, LogNormalMuSigmaOverMu, WeibullMuSigma parameters
* PolygonArray, allows one to draw a collection of polygons
* MarginalDistribution, MaximumDistribution, RatioDistribution, arithmetic distributions
* KrigingRandomVector
* ConditionalNormalProcess
* MetaModelValidation, for the validation of a metamodel

==== API changes ====
* Added a new draw3D() method based on Euler angles to the Mesh class.
* Changed the parameter value of the default constructor for the AliMikhailHaqCopula and FarlieGumbelMorgensternCopula classes.
* Added a new constructor to the ParametricEvaluationImplementation class.
* Added floor, ceil, round, trunc symbols to analytical function.
* Allow one to save/load simulation algorithms
* Added the low order G1K3 rule to the GaussKronrodRule class.
* Added the BitCount() method to the SpecFunc class.
* Added vectorized versions of the non-uniform random generation methods in the DistFunc class.
* Added a generic implementation of the computePDF() method in the DistributionImplementation class.
* Added the computeMinimumVolumeInterval() method to compute the minimum volume interval of a given probability content to the DistributionImplementation class in the univariate case.
* Added the keys "CompositeDistribution-SolverEpsilon" and "FunctionalChaosAlgorithm-PValueThreshold" to the ResourceMap class.
* Added the max() operator as well as new versions of the algebra operators to the DistributionImplementation class.
* Added a new add() method to the ARMACoefficients class.
* Allowed to parameterize the CompositeDistribution class through ResourceMap.
* Allow the use of hmat in KrigingAlgorithm
* Added getConditionalMean method to KrigingResult
* Added getConditionalCovariance method to KrigingResult
* Added operator() to KrigingResult to get the conditional normal distribution
* Improved TemporalNormalProcess : added specific setMethod to fix numerical method for simulation

=== Python module ===
* Fixed IPython 3 inline svg conversion
* Improved sequence[-n] accessors (760)

=== Miscellaneous ===
* Improved performance of MetropolisHastings, set default burnin=0, thin=1, non-rejected components
* Improved the coupling tools module using format mini-language spec
* Improved the pretty-printing of the LinearCombinationEvaluationImplementation class.
* Improved the draw() method of the NumericalMathEvaluationImplementation and NumericalMathFunction classes to better handle log scale.
* Improved the GaussKronrod class to avoid inf in the case of pikes in the integrand.
* Improved the numerical stability of the ATanh() method in the SpecFunc class.
* Improved many of the nonlinear transformation methods of the distribution class.
* Improved the automatic parameterization of the FunctionalChaosAlgorithm. It closes ticket 781.
* Improved the robustness of the GeneralizedParetoFactory, TruncatedNormal and MeixnerDistributionFactory classes.
* Made some minor optimizations in the TemporalNormalProcess class.

=== Bug fixes ===
* 751 (IndicesCollection as argument of Mesh)
* 772 (FORM does not work if Event was constructed from Interval)
* 773 (Problems with Event constructed from Interval)
* 779 (PolygonArray not available from python)
* 781 (failure to transform data in chaos)
* 789 (Time consuming extraction of chaos-based Sobol indices in the presence of many outputs)
* 791 (Bug in ProductCovarianceModel::partialGradient)
* 792 (PythonFunction does not check the number of input args)


=== Library ===

==== Major changes ====
* PCE: polynomial cached evaluations
* Kriging: new kernels including anisotropic ones
* Distribution: more efficient algebra, more copulas and multivariate distributions
* Bayesian modeling: improved MCMC, BayesDistribution, enhanced ConditionalDistribution, conjugate priors for Normal distribution

==== New classes ====
* AggregatedProcess, allowing to stack processes with common spatial dimension
* ProductDistribution class, dedicated to the modeling of the distribution of the product of two independent absolutely continuous random variables.
* MaximumEntropyStatisticsDistribution
* MaximumEntropyStatisticsCopula
* CovarianceHMatrix, which can be used by TemporalNormalProcess to approximate covariance matrix via an H-Matrix library.
* InverseChiSquare
* InverseGamma
* NormalGamma
* OrdinalSumCopula
* MaternModel
* ProductCovarianceModel
* BoxCoxGradientImplementation
* BoxCoxHessianImplementation
* InverseBoxCoxGradientImplementation
* InverseBoxCoxHessianImplementation
* KrigingResult
* BayesDistribution
* PythonNumericalMathGradientImplementation
* PythonNumericalMathHessianImplementation
* PythonDynamicalFunctionImplementation

==== API changes ====
* Deprecated method NumericalMathFunction|NumericalMathFunctionEvaluation::getOutputHistory|getInputHistory in favor of NumericalMathFunction::getHistoryOutput|getHistoryInput
* Removed method Graph::initializeValidLegendPositions
* Renamed the getMarginalProcess() method into getMarginal() in the Process class and all the related classes.
* Deprecated methods Graph::getBitmap|getPostscript|getVectorial|getPath|getFileName
* Deprecated methods Graph::draw(path, file, width, height, format), use draw(path+file, width, height, format) instead
* Removed deprecated methods ResourceMap::SetAsUnsignedLong|GetAsUnsignedLong in favor of ResourceMap::SetAsUnsignedInteger|GetAsUnsignedInteger
* Removed deprecated methods NumericalSample::scale|translate
* Renamed the acosh(), asinh(), atanh() and cbrt() methods of the SpecFunc class into Acosh(), Asinh(), Atanh() and Cbrt() and provided custom implementations.
* Added the rUniformTriangle() method to the DistFunc class to generate uniform random deviates in a given nD triangle.
* Extended the GaussKronrod, IntegrationAlgorithm and IntegrationAlgorithmImplementation classes to multi-valued functions.
* Extended the FFT and RandomMixture classes to 2D and 3D.
* Added the setValues() method to the Field class.
* Added Simulation::setProgressCallback|setStopCallback to set up hooks
* Added the getParameterDimension() method to the NumericalMathFunction class.
* Added new parallel implementations of the discretize() and discretizeRow() methods in the CovarianceModelImplementation class.
* Added the key "Os-RemoveFiles" to the ResourceMap class.
* Added the BesselK(), LogBesselK() and BesselKDerivative() methods to the SpecFunc class.
* Added the spatial dimension information to the CovarianceModel class.
* Added a discretize() method based on sample to the CovarianceModel class.
* Added a nugget factor to all the covariance models.
* Added an history mechanism to the MCMC class.
* Added accessors to the amplitude, scale, nugget factor, spatial correlation to the CovarianceModel class.
* Added the getLogLikelihoodFunction() method to the KrigingAlgorithm class.
* Added a link function to the ConditionalDistribution class.
* Added the getMarginal(), hasIndependentCopula(), hasEllipticalCopula(), isElliptical(), isContinuous(), isDiscrete(), isIntegral() methods to the RandomMixture class.
* Added the getSupport() and the computeProbability() methods to the Mixture class.
* Added a simplified constructor to the BayesDistribution class.
* Added the computeRange() and getMarginal() methods to the BayesDistribution class.
* Added the isIncreasing() method to the Indices class.
* Added a dedicated computeLogPDF() method to the Rice class.
* Added the LargeCaseDeltaLogBesselI10() and DeltaLogBesselI10() methods to the SpecFunc class.
* Removed the useless getPartialDiscretization() method to the CovarianceModel class.
* Removed the getConditionalCovarianceModel() in the KrigingAlgorithm class.
* Renamed the getMeshDimension() method into getSpatialDimension() in the DynamicalFunction class.
* Renamed the isNormal(), isInf() and isNaN() methods into IsNormal(), IsInf() and IsNan() in the SpecFunc class.
* Removed FittingTest::GetLastResult, FittingTest::BestModel*(sample, *) in favor of FittingTest::BestModel*(sample, *, &bestResult)
* Deprecated NumericalMathFunction(Implementation)::set{Evaluation|Gradient|Hessian}Implementation in favor of NumericalMathFunction(Implementation)::set{Evaluation|Gradient|Hessian}
* Deprecated NumericalSample::compute{Range,Median,Variance,Skewness,Kurtosis,CenteredMoment,RawMoment}PerComponent
* Deprecated ProcessSample::setField(index, field) in favor of ProcessSample::setField(field, index)

=== Python module ===
* Include sphinx documentation
* Improved collection accessors
* Allow one to overload gradient and hessian
* Improved viewer's integration with matplotlib api
* Added PythonDynamicalFunction to override DynamicalFunction

=== Miscellaneous ===
* In Graph::draw, the file extension overrides the format argument
* Improved the compactSupport() method of the UserDefined class. Now, it works with multidimensional distributions.
* Improved the computePDF() and computeCDF() methods of the UserDefined class.
* Improved the RandomMixture class to allow for constant distribution and Dirac contributors.
* Added /FORCE option to windows installer to allow out-of-python-tree install
* Added a generic implementation of the getMarginal() method to the Process class for 1D processes.
* Added a description to all the fields generated by a getRealization() method of a process.
* Changed the values of the keys ConditionalDistribution-MarginalIntegrationNodesNumber, KernelSmoothing-BinNumber, SquaredExponential-DefaultTheta, AbsoluteExponential-DefaultTheta, GeneralizedExponential-DefaultTheta in the ResourceMap class and the openturns.conf file.
* Changed the parameterization of the AbsoluteExponential, GeneralizedExponential and SquaredExponential classes.
* Changed the default parameterization of the ComposedCopula, ConditionalDistribution, AliMikhailHaqCopula, FarlieGumbelMorgensternCopula, KernelMixture, Mixture and NormalCopula classes.
* Changed the default presentation of analytical functions.
* Changed the parameters of the default distribution of the FisherSnedecor class.
* Changed the algorithm used in the FisherSnedecorFactory class. Now the estimation is based on MLE.
* Extended the Debye() method of the SpecFunc class to negative arguments.
* Extended the computeCDF(), computeDDF(), computeProbability() methods of the RandomMixture class.
* Extended the ConditionalDistribution class to accept a link function.
* Extended the build() method of the IntervalMesher class to dimension 3.
* Improved the capabilities of the KrigingAlgorithm class. Now it can use anisotropic covariance models.
* Improved the __str__() method of the CompositeDistribution class.
* Improved the numerical stability of the computeCharacteristicFunction() in the Beta class.
* Improved the distribution algebra in the DistributionImplementation class.
* Improved the getKendallTau() and computeCovariance() methods of the SklarCopula class.
* Improved the Gibbs sampler in the TemporalNormalProcess class.
* Improved the presentation of the graphs generated by the drawPDF() and drawCDF() methods of the distributions.
* Improved the messages sent by the NotYetImplementedException class.
* Improved the pretty-print of the NumericalMathFunction class.
* Improved the HistogramFactory and KernelSmoothing classes by using inter-quartiles instead of standard deviations to estimate scale parameters.
* Improved the management of small coefficients in the DualLinearCombinationEvaluationImplementation class.
* Improved the algorithms of the getRealization() and computePDF() methods of the Rice class.
* Improved the operator() method of the PiecewiseLinearEvaluationImplementation class.

=== Bug fixes ===
* 614 (FORM Method - Development of sensitivity and importance factors in the physical space)
* 673 (Perform the computeRange method of the PythonDistributionImplementation class)
* 678 (Pretty-printer for gdb)
* 688 (incorrect analytical gradient)
* 704 (Problem with Exception)
* 709 (MatrixImplementation::computeQR issues)
* 713 (Dirichlet hangs on np.nans)
* 720 (Missing LHSExperiment::getShuffle)
* 721 (Python implementation of a NumericalMathGradientImplementation)
* 731 (Problems with Rice and FisherSnedecor distributions)
* 736 (Graph : keep getBitmap, getVectorial, getPDF, getPostScript, initializeValidLegendPositions?)
* 737 (Bug in composeddistribution inverse iso-probabilistic transformation in the ellipical distribution case )
* 738 (Incorrect pickling of ComposedDistribution with ComposedCopula)
* 739 (Bug in the SpecFunc::LnBeta() method)
* 744 (Incorrect iso-probabilistic transformation for elliptical ComposedDistribution)
* 745 (DirectionalSampling: ComposedCopula bug and budget limitation ignored)
* 747 (Packaging for conda)
* 748 (Can't add sklar copula to CopulaCollection)
* 754 (Bad conversion list to python with negative integer)
* 755 (inconsistency in functions API)
* 757 (Spearman correlation in CorrelationAnalysis)
* 759 (Problem with RandomMixture::project)
* 762 (NumericalSample's export produce empty lines within the Windows environment)
* 763 (Missing description of samples with RandomVector realizations)
* 764 (RandomVector's description)
* 769 (Dirichlet behaves strangely on constant)
* 770 (Problem with FittingTest based on BIC)


=== Library ===

==== Major changes ====
* Native windows support, OT.dll can be generated by MSVC compilers; Python bindings not yet available
* 64bits windows support
* Python docstrings work started
* Major speed improvement for random fields

==== New distributions ====
* Wishart
* InverseWishart
* CompositeDistribution

==== New classes ====
* KrigingResult
* LevelSet
* KDTree
* ExponentiallyDampedCosineModel
* SphericalModel
* MeshFactory
* IntervalMesher
* ParametricEvaluationImplementation
* ParametricGradientImplementation
* ParametricHessianImplementation

==== API changes ====
* Removed deprecated types UnsignedLong, IndexType in favor of UnsignedInteger, SignedInteger
* Deprecated method ResourceMap::SetAsUnsignedLong|GetAsUnsignedLong in favor of ResourceMap::SetAsUnsignedInteger|GetAsUnsignedInteger
* Removed method ResourceMap::GetAsNewCharArray
* Renamed Matrix::computeSingularValues(u, vT) to computeSVD(u, vT)
* Renamed MatrixImplementation::computeEigenValues(v) to computeEV(v)
* Added Matrix::computeTrace
* Renamed WeightedExperiment::generate(weights) to WeightedExperiment::generateWithWeights(weights)
* Removed DistributionImplementation::getGaussNodesAndWeights(void)
* Removed DescriptionImplementation class
* Removed deprecated method NumericalPoint::norm2 in favor of normSquare, normalize2 in favor of normalizeSquare
* Removed deprecated method SpectralModel::computeSpectralDensity
* Deprecated method NumericalSample::scale|translate

=== Python module ===
* Docstring documentation, can be used in combination with sphinx (in-progress)
* Added Drawable|Graph::_repr_svg_ for automatic graphing within IPython notebook
* Added Object::_repr_html_ to get html string representation of OpenTURNS objects
* Some methods no longer return argument by reference, return tuple items instead (see 712)

=== Miscellaneous ===
* DrawHenryLine now works for any Normal sample/distribution.
* Added a DrawHenryLine prototype with given Normal distribution.
* Added a add_legend=True kwarg to openturns.viewer.View.
* New arithmetic on Distribution (can add/subtract/multiply/divide/transform by an elementary function)
* New arithmetic on NumericalMathFunction (can add/subtract/multiply)
* New arithmetic on NumericalSample (can add/subtract a scalar, a point or a sample, can multiply/divide by a scalar, a point or a square matrix)

=== Bug fixes ===
* 693 (Distribution.computeCDFGradient(NumericalSample) segfaults)
* 697 (Problem with LogNormal on constant sample)
* 700 (Problem with MeixnerDistribution (continuation))
* 706 (rot tests fail with r 3.1.0)
* 707 (Error when executing ot.Multinomial().drawCDF())
* 708 (Typing across OpenTURNS matrices hangs, fills RAM and is eventually killed)
* 710 (Slicing matrices)
* 718 (DirectionalSampling does not set the dimension of the SamplingStrategy)
* 712 (do not pass python arguments as reference)
* 722 (Problem with drawPDF() for Triangular distribution)
* 725 (Remove NumericalSample::scale/translate ?)
* 726 (Defect in the Multinomial distribution constructor)


=== Library ===

==== Major changes ====
* Extended process algorithms to stochastic fields
* Kriging metamodelling
* Optionally use Boost for better distribution estimations

==== New kriging classes ====
* KrigingAlgorithm
* KrigingGradient
* SquaredExponential
* GeneralizedExponential
* AbsoluteExponential
* ConstantBasisFactory
* LinearBasisFactory
* QuadraticBasisFactory

==== New classes ====
* Skellam
* SkellamFactory
* MeixnerDistribution
* MeixnerDistributionFactory
* GaussKronrod
* GaussKronrodRule
* TriangularMatrix
* QuadraticNumericalMathFunction

==== API changes ====
* Removed framework field in generic wrapper
* Added the getVerticesNumber(), getSimplicesNumber() and getClosestVertexIndex() methods to the Mesh class.
* Renamed the getClosestVertexIndex() method into getNearestVertexIndex() in the Mesh class.
* Added the computeSurvivalFunction() method to distributions
* Added the getSpearmanCorrelation() and getKendallTau() to distributions
* Added the DiLog() and Log1MExp() methods to the SpecFunc class.
* Added the LogGamma() and Log1p() functions of complex argument to the SpecFunc class.
* Added the setDefaultColors() method to the Graph class.
* Added the computeLinearCorrelation() method as an alias to the computePearsonCorrelation() method of the NumericalSample class.
* Added two in-place division operators to the NumericalSample class.
* Added the getShapeMatrix() method to the NormalCopula, Copula, Distribution and DistributionImplementation classes.
* Added the getLinearCorrelation() and getPearsonCorrelation() aliases to the getCorrelation() method in the Distribution and DistributionImplementation classes.
* Added a new constructor to the SimulationSensitivityAnalysis class.
* Added the stack() method to the NumericalSample class.
* Added the inplace addition and soustraction of two NumericalSample with same size and dimension.
* Removed the TimeSeriesImplementation class.
* Added the isBlank() method to the Description class.
* Added a new constructor to the Cloud, Curve and Polygon classes.
* Added an optimization for regularly discretized locations to the PiecewiseHermiteEvaluationImplementation and PiecewiseLinearEvaluationImplementation classes.
* Added the streamToVTKFormat() method to the Mesh class.
* Create the RandomGeneratorState class and allow one to save and load a RandomGeneratorState.
* Allow the use of a sample as operator() method argument of the AnalyticalNumericalMathEvaluationImplementation class.
* Removed deprecated method Distribution::computeCDF(x, tail)
* Removed deprecated method Curve::set|getShowPoints
* Removed deprecated method Drawable::set|getLegendName
* Removed deprecated method Pie::Pie(NumericalSample), Pie::Pie(NumericalSample, Description, NumericalPoint)
* Deprecated method NumericalPoint::norm2 in favor of normSquare, normalize2 in favor of normalizeSquare

=== Python module ===
* Added NumericalSample::_repr_html_ for html representation in IPython
* Allow one to reuse figure/axes instances from matplotlib viewer
* PythonFunction now prints the complete traceback

=== Miscellaneous ===
* Improved numerical stability of InverseNormal
* Preserve history state in the marginal function.
* Port to MinGW-w64 3.0 CRT
* Added a new simplification rule to the MarginalTransformationEvaluation for the case where the input and output distributions are linked by an affine transformation.
* Propagated the use of potential parallel evaluations of the computeDDF(), computePDF() and computeCDF() methods in many places, which greatly improves the performance of many algorithms.
* Allowed for non-continuous prior distributions in the MCMC class.

=== Bug fixes ===
* 442 (OT r1.0 Box Cox is only for Time Series Not for Linear Model)
* 506 (There are unit tests which fail on Windows with OT 1.0)
* 512 (The documentation is not provided with the Windows install)
* 589 (The Histogram class is too complicated)
* 640 (Optional values formatting in coupling_tools.replace)
* 643 (Problem with description in graph)
* 645 (Problem to build a truncated normal distribution from a sample)
* 647 (cannot save a NumericalMathFunction issued from PythonFunction)
* 648 (wrong non-independent normal ccdf)
* 649 (Loss of accuracy in LogNormal vs Normal MarginalTransformation (in the (very) far tails))
* 650 (OpenTURNS has troubles with spaces in path names)
* 651 (The generalized Nataf transformation is unplugged)
* 652 (Problem with setParametersCollection() in KernelSmoothing)
* 657 (RandomWalkMetropolisHastings moves to zero-probability regions)
* 661 (Problem with getParametersCollection() while using KernelSmoothing)
* 664 (AggregatedNumericalMathEvaluationImplementation::getParameters is not implemented)
* 667 (Missing draw quantile function in distribution class)
* 668 (__str__ method of the Study object occasionally throws an exception)
* 669 (Bad export of NumericalSample)
* 670 (TruncatedDistribution)
* 672 (Multivariate python distribution requires getRange.)
* 674 (python nmf don't force cache)
* 675 (Bug with standard deviation evaluation for UserDefined distribution with dimension > 1)
* 676 (DistributionCollection Study::add crash)
* 677 (Error in SobolSequence.cxx on macos 10.9 with gcc4.8)
* 681 (Incomplete new NumericalSample features regarding operators)
* 682 (dcdflib.cxx license does not comply with Debian Free Software Guidelines)
* 683 (Normal)
* 685 (muParser.h not installed when using ExternalProject_Add)
* 686 (Probabilistic model with SklarCopula can't be saved via pickle)
* 687 (Segfault using BIC and SklarCopula)
* 688 (incorrect analytical gradient)
* 691 (Strange behavior of convergence graph)


=== Library ===

==== New combinatorial classes ====
* KPermutations
* KPermutationsDistribution
* Tuples
* CombinatorialGenerator
* Combinations

==== New classes ====
* PiecewiseEvaluationImplementation
* GeneralizedPareto
* GeneralizedParetoFactory
* RungeKutta

==== API changes ====
* Switched from getLegendName() and setLegendName() to getLegend() and setLegend() in the drawables.
* Extended the add() method of the Collection class to append a collection to a given collection;
* Extended the add() method of the Graph class in order to add another Graph.
* Added the getCallsNumber() method to the NumericalMathFunction class.
* Removed deprecated methods getNumericalSample in Distribution, RandomVector, TimeSeries, and TimeSeries::asNumericalSample.
* Removed deprecated methods HistoryStrategy::reset, and resetHistory in NumericalMathFunction, NumericalMathFunctionImplementation, NumericalMathEvaluationImplementation
* Removed deprecated method Distribution::computeCharacteristicFunction(NumericalScalar x, Bool logScale)
* Removed deprecated method Distribution::computeGeneratingFunction(NumericalComplex z, Bool logScale)
* Removed deprecated method Distribution::computeCDF(x, tail)

==== Python module ====
* The distributed python wrapper is now shipped separately
* No more need for base class casts
* Enhanced collection classes wrapping: no more need for NumericalMathFunctionCollection, DistributionCollection, ...
* Introduced pickle protocol support

==== Miscellaneous ====
* Modified the matplotlib viewer in order to use color codes instead of color names, to avoid errors when the color name is not known by matplotlib.
* Added a binning capability to the KernelSmoothing class. It greatly improves its performance for large samples (300x faster for 10^6 points and above)
* Changed the definition of the sample skewness and kurtosis. Now, we use the unbiased estimators for normal populations.
* Changed back to the first (thinest) definition of hyperbolic stratas. Added a function to control the number of terms per degree.

==== Bug fixes ====
* 411 (Long time to instantiate a NumericaMathFunction (analytical function))
* 586 (The Pie graphics could be easily improved.)
* 593 (Can't draw a Contour drawable with the new viewer)
* 594 (Useless dependency to R library)
* 595 (Bug in distributed_wrapper if tmpdir point to a network filesystem)
* 596 (Bug in distributed_wrapper if files_to_send are not in current directory.)
* 597 (The SWIG typemap is still failing to assign some prototypes for overloaded basic objects)
* 598 (distributed_wrapper do not kill remote sleep process.)
* 599 (Wrong quantile estimation in Histogram distribution)
* 600 (Please remove timing checks from python/test/
* 606 (Too permissive constructors)
* 608 (Distributed_python_wrapper : files permissions of files_to_send parameter are not propagated)
* 609 (How about implementing a BlatmanHyperbolicEnumerateFunction?)
* 612 (Missing description using slices)
* 616 (PythonDistribution)
* 619 (chaos rvector from empty chaos result segfault)
* 620 (LogNormalFactory does not return a LogNormal)
* 622 (undetermined CorrectedLeaveOneOut crash)
* 630 (Fix build failure with Bison 2.7)
* 634 (NMF bug within the python api)
* 637 (The docstring of coupling_tools is not up-to-date.)
* 638 (libopenturns-dev should bring libxml2-dev)

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