✨ Features
* Add `LargeBinary(max_length)` field type [166](https://github.com/collerek/ormar/issues/166)
* Add support for normal pydantic fields (including Models) instead of `pydantic_only`
attribute which is now deprecated [160](https://github.com/collerek/ormar/issues/160).
Pydantic fields should be declared normally as in pydantic model next to ormar fields,
note that (obviously) `ormar` does not save and load the value for this field in
database that mean that **ONE** of the following has to be true:
* pydantic field declared on ormar model has to be `Optional` (defaults to None)
* pydantic field has to have a default value set
* pydantic field has `default_factory` function set
* ormar.Model with pydantic field has to overwrite `__init__()` and provide the value there
If none of the above `ormar` (or rather pydantic) will fail during loading data from the database,
with missing required value for declared pydantic field.
* Ormar provides now a meaningful examples in openapi schema, including nested models.
The same algorithm is used to iterate related models without looks
as with `dict()` and `select/load_all`. Examples appear also in `fastapi`. [157](https://github.com/collerek/ormar/issues/157)
🐛 Fixes
* By default `pydantic` is not validating fields during assignment,
which is not a desirable setting for an ORM, now all `ormar.Models`
have validation turned-on during assignment (like `model.column = 'value'`)
💬 Other
* Add connecting to the database in QuickStart in readme [180](https://github.com/collerek/ormar/issues/180)
* OpenAPI schema does no longer include `ormar.Model` docstring as description,
instead just model name is provided if you do not provide your own docstring.
* Some performance improvements.