Latest version: v3.1.5

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New features:

- Add functionality for fluid (full width) rows.
[agitator, davilima6]

- Add documentation for advanced editor features.
[agitator, davilima6]

Bug fixes:

- Image in "Existing-Content" Tile scaled width only, height was kept and aspect-ratio broke.

- Hide dependencies - like blocks and tiles - of Mosaic from appearing at Plone site setup.
This reduces confusion and removes clutter from the setup screen.

- Transform: Acquire a safe context or the portal object.
In cases of a 404 page, the context is a browser view.

- Imports are Python3 compatible

- Cleanup old code that would initialize TinyMCE several times for richtext tiles
Fixes `issue 407 <>`_.



WARNING: Upgrading from 1.x will make pages with mosaic layout
look empty until has been upgraded (upgrade steps been run).
After upgrade, you may need to manually tweak Plone registry to only display
the desired tiles.

Bug fixes:

- Fix regression in 2.0.rc7 where removal of dead code was not completed
resulting in a runtime error



New features:

- Add simple descriptions for all the tiles listed in the docs.

- Allow to nest columns inside a cell

- Allow to include custom CSS on rows

Bug fixes:

- Fix issue where default rich text tiles had context menu
from legacy HTML table tile

- Fix issue where TinyMCE was broken in properties overlay

- Fix issue where title field value was not set on some IE version

- Fix issue where block elements with display 'flex' were not blurred



New features:

- Add support for optional ``permission``-key in content layout manifests

Bug fixes:

- Fix grid and row styles for anonymous

- Fix issue where global TinyMCE setting for paste_as_text was not

- Fix issue where Mosaic Editor was activated on babel edit view

- Fix issue where Mosaic transforms did fire for ESI requests for ESI
tile helper views

- Fix issue where multiple tile configurations from the same page were being
autosaved at the same time causing write conflict errors

- Fix issue where configured text tile content was not removed from the server
when tile was deleted

Other changes:

- Remove unneeded unittest2 imports



New features:

- Show layouts description in Mosaic Select Layout overlay

Bug fixes:

- Disable non-functional table of contents tile by default

- Fix issue where toolbar menus were initially hidden on custom layout

- Fix issue where TinyMCE format menu was not visible

- Fix issue where default layouts did not work properly, because they were
registered as unicode strings when encoded ASCII strings were required

- Fix to disable layout editor when edit form has a status message
(which is usually a validation error message) as workaround for
editor not being able to display validation errors



WARNING: Migration from 1.0.0 to 2.0.0 may still have unsolved issues.

New features:

- In the ``BodyClass`` transform, retrieve the content layout path from
ILayoutAware provided method which also considers default paths registered in
the registry. Fixes no layout classes added to the body tag with default
content layouts for types.

- Show layouts description in Mosaic Select Layout overlay

- Include source code button into TinyMCE toolbar by default

Bug fixes:

- ``plone_view/mark_view`` was deprecated and removed.
Use ``plone_layout/mark_view`` instead.

- Fix issue where incomplete mosaic-grid bundle definition broke
Plone bundle merge
- Enhance documentation
[agitator, AnneGilles, krissik, staeff]

- Fixes problems introduces with grid responsive styles

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