What's Changed
* Protocols in typing by nvaytet in https://github.com/scipp/plopp/pull/326
* Simplify args handling in update by nvaytet in https://github.com/scipp/plopp/pull/329
* Add a couple of missing optional dependencies by nvaytet in https://github.com/scipp/plopp/pull/330
* Fix some typing issues by jl-wynen in https://github.com/scipp/plopp/pull/328
* ENH: Widget to slice over a range by MridulS in https://github.com/scipp/plopp/pull/322
* Replace deprecated figures in docs notebooks with the new ones by nvaytet in https://github.com/scipp/plopp/pull/332
* Improve 3d plot with slider notebook by nvaytet in https://github.com/scipp/plopp/pull/333
* Fail on warnings during sphinx build by MridulS in https://github.com/scipp/plopp/pull/334
* [CRON] Sync with copier template by github-actions in https://github.com/scipp/plopp/pull/335
* Fix delayed removal of profiles in inspector plot by nvaytet in https://github.com/scipp/plopp/pull/337
* Drop Python 3.9 and make Ruff happy by jl-wynen in https://github.com/scipp/plopp/pull/341
* Allow to remove nodes with children by nvaytet in https://github.com/scipp/plopp/pull/344
New Contributors
* github-actions made their first contribution in https://github.com/scipp/plopp/pull/335
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/scipp/plopp/compare/24.04.0...24.05.0