What's Changed
* Update reference API and fix links in docs by nvaytet in https://github.com/scipp/plopp/pull/138
* Make VBar and HBar indexable by nvaytet in https://github.com/scipp/plopp/pull/139
* Update copyright year to 2023 by nvaytet in https://github.com/scipp/plopp/pull/141
* Save 3d figs to html by nvaytet in https://github.com/scipp/plopp/pull/140
* Add rectangle selection example to gallery by nvaytet in https://github.com/scipp/plopp/pull/142
* Use pre-commit in ci by jl-wynen in https://github.com/scipp/plopp/pull/143
* Bump scipp from 22.11.0 to 23.1.1 in /requirements by dependabot in https://github.com/scipp/plopp/pull/148
* Update isort, avoiding broken pre-commit by SimonHeybrock in https://github.com/scipp/plopp/pull/149
* Fix making plot with bin-edge datetime coord and errorbars by nvaytet in https://github.com/scipp/plopp/pull/151
* Allow scalars in scatter3d by nvaytet in https://github.com/scipp/plopp/pull/126
* Scatter3d plots improvements by nvaytet in https://github.com/scipp/plopp/pull/154
* Improve api docs by nvaytet in https://github.com/scipp/plopp/pull/156
* Add gallery example for creating 3-D scatter plot with threshold by SimonHeybrock in https://github.com/scipp/plopp/pull/155
* Cancel running workflows if new push to PR by nvaytet in https://github.com/scipp/plopp/pull/157
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/scipp/plopp/compare/23.01.0...23.02.0