What's Changed
* Small changes to docs index page by nvaytet in https://github.com/scipp/plopp/pull/11
* Add safety net when trying to plot very large data by nvaytet in https://github.com/scipp/plopp/pull/12
* Update readme by nvaytet in https://github.com/scipp/plopp/pull/18
* Plot 2d coords by nvaytet in https://github.com/scipp/plopp/pull/17
* Add dimension slicer plot by nvaytet in https://github.com/scipp/plopp/pull/19
* Inherit from widget to make toolbar, figures and widgets embedabble inside other widgets by nvaytet in https://github.com/scipp/plopp/pull/20
* Move files around into folders by nvaytet in https://github.com/scipp/plopp/pull/21
* Fix title arg which was ignored by nvaytet in https://github.com/scipp/plopp/pull/22
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/scipp/plopp/compare/0.0.2...0.0.3