---------------------- - Fix importObject (obj referenced before assignment) [danjacka]
------------------- - Fix unittest for plone4 msgid changes [kiorky] - Implement import plugins [kiorky] - Add a meta.zcml with some basic plugins, like for wf state export/import [kiorky] - Rename objects for consistency purpose [kiorky] - Fix some Acquisition bugs [kiorky] - Support blobstorage [kiorky]
- fix some encoding issues with file handler [kiorky] - better plain format import [kiorky] - Fix setSubject [kiorky]
- Fixed missing import of interface.implements in browser.manager [fRiSi]
- Fix silly empty list bug in replicator.csvimport prototype. [kiorky]
- fixed missing import of interface.implements in browser.manager [fRiSi]
- Fix unicode error with reference fields [kiorky]
- Add support for temporary export path [kiorky]
- Add support for flattened CSV Files [kiorky]
- Add tests, and tests infrastructure [kiorky]
- Add Stream (Files) Iterators not to overhead the RAM [kiorky]