
Latest version: v0.3.2

The latest version of projpicker with no known security vulnerabilities is 0.3.2. We recommend installing version 0.3.2.

The information on this page was curated by experts in our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.

Latest release
v0.3.2 at Oct. 6, 2021
GPL-3.0-or-later (GNU General Public License v3.0 or later)


ProjPicker (projection picker) allows the user to select all projections whose extent completely contains given points, polylines, polygons, and bounding boxes. The goal is to make it easy and visual to select a desired projection by location.



See all vulnerabilities

No known vulnerabilities found

Versions (56)

See all versions

Has known vulnerabilities

  • 0.3.2
  • 0.3.1.post2
  • 0.3.1.post1
  • 0.3.1
  • 0.3.0
  • 0.2.0
  • 0.1.13
  • 0.1.12
  • 0.1.11.post3
  • 0.1.11.post2
  • 0.1.11.post1
  • 0.1.11
  • 0.1.10
  • 0.1.9
  • 0.1.8
  • 0.1.7.post9
  • 0.1.7.post8
  • 0.1.7.post7
  • 0.1.7.post6
  • 0.1.7.post5