Highlights of 2022.1.x release series
- Improved interface for searching, syncing and viewing Pavlovia projects from
within the PsychoPy app
- In online experiments you can now [dynamically choose the resources your
participant needs](https://psychopy.org/online/resources.html) as the experiment progresses rather than downloading them all in
the first dialog box
- Can now insert new Routines from pre-packaged templates (such as Fixation, 2-alternative
forced choice, feedback, etc)
- QUEST handlers now available in PsychoJS including interleaved staircases
- Most visual stimuli now have an "anchor" parameter to control how it's laid out
relative to its position, and you can now set the alignment of text within a Textbox
(with a handy demo to illustrate the difference between anchor and alignment!)
- Added support for [Pupil Labs eye trackers](https://psychopy.org/api/iohub/device/eyetracker_interface/PupilLabs_Core_Implementation_Notes.html) (thanks to Pupil Labs themselves) directly from the Builder
Compatibility Changes in 2022.1.x release series
- Python 2.x is no longer supported
- Filename timestamps now have a different default format (based on ISO 8601):
2022-01-14_14h39.36.092 for 2:39pm and 36s, 92ms
See :func:`psychopy.data.utils.getDateStr` for details on the new functionality