New features: - Added --interactive option for ptipython. - A few style improvements.
New features: - Integration with Tk eventloop. (This makes turtle and other Tk stuff work again from the REPL.) - Multi column completion visualisation.
Fixes: - Workaround for Jedi bug. (Signatures of functions with keyword-only arguments.) - Correctly show traceback on Python 3. - Better styling of the options sidebar.
New features: - Exit REPL when input starts with Control-Z. - Set terminal title. - Display help text in options sidebar. - Better colorscheme for Windows.
Not secure
Fixes: - Correct tokens for IPython prompt. - Syntax fix in asyncssh_repl.
Not secure
Not secure
New features: - Support for editing in Vi block mode. (Only enabled for prompt_toolkit>=1.0.8.)
Fixes: - Handle two Jedi crashes. (GitHub ptpython issues 136 and 91.)