- SPP mode doesn't work
In order to use SPP mode, it's necessary to upgrade Pyarmor to 8.0+
- Command `pyarmor register` without any argument return `404` error
It is used to query registration information in old Pyarmor, but now license server doesn't serve this web api.
Instead use `pyarmor -v` to make sure it's not trial version.
- Registering Pyarmor by `pyarmor register pyarmor-regcode-xxxxxx.txt` can be used no more than 10 times
In order to use Pyarmor in new machine, CI server or docker, check the second method described in the registration file "pyarmor-regcode-xxxxxx.txt":
Downloading "pyarmor-regfile-xxxxxx.zip" once, use this `.zip` file to register Pyarmor later.
2. Upgrade to 8.0 but only use old features
By default, command `pyarmor` only accepts new commands, there are 3 ways to use old commands such as `obfuscate`, `licenses`:
- Use `pyarmor-7` instead `pyarmor`
- Export environment variable `PYARMOR_CLI=7`, then still use `pyarmor`
- Any way to call entry point `pyarmor.pyarmor:main_entry`
3. Upgrade to 8.0 and use new features
- Follow new [EULA of Pyarmor](https://github.com/dashingsoft/pyarmor/blob/master/LICENSE). It's a big change for old personal license, because new license only allows one proudct.
- Not all old licenses could be upgraded to new license freely, refer to
[Pyarmor licenses](https://pyarmor.readthedocs.io/en/stable/licenses.html)
- The old commands need not internect connection, but new command need
- The old commands support Python 2.7~3.10, but new command only support Python 3.7+
Refer to [Import Notes](https://github.com/dashingsoft/pyarmor#import-notes-for-pyarmor-prior-to-80)