What's Changed * Test with pydantic-settings 2.5 by makukha in 20 * Add tests for pydantic-settings 2.6, drop support for 2.0-2.1, fix bugs, improve dev tasks by makukha in 23
New features * Change usage from `FileSecretsSettingsSource(settings_cls)` to `FileSecretsSettingsSource(file_secret_settings)` by makukha in https://github.com/makukha/pydantic-file-secrets/pull/18 * Add py.typed marker by makukha in https://github.com/makukha/pydantic-file-secrets/pull/18 * Extend `FileSecretsSettingsSource` to allow monkey patching of original `SecretsSettingsSource` by makukha in https://github.com/makukha/pydantic-file-secrets/pull/18 * Add Mypy to linters by makukha in https://github.com/makukha/pydantic-file-secrets/pull/18
Fixed bugs * Strip secrets files content by makukha in https://github.com/makukha/pydantic-file-secrets/pull/16 * Fix ignored _secrets_dir arg of BaseSettings by makukha in https://github.com/makukha/pydantic-file-secrets/pull/17 * Fix typing bugs by makukha in https://github.com/makukha/pydantic-file-secrets/pull/18