git log --reverse --pretty=format:'* %s [%h]' v0.3.17..v0.3.18
* MRG: Merge tag 'v0.3.17' into develop \[09f46ca\]
* REF,TST: Makefile, requirements-test: switch to pytest, require jinja2 for tests \[999446d\]
* REF,TST: pyline.py, test_pyline.py: py3 \[7365938\]
* WIP: __init__: change import for py3 (TODO: check py2 compatibility) \[fe61a93\]
* BLD: requirements\[-test\]: remove wheel, -test -> reqs.txt \[716a9b3\]
* REF,BUG: py3, pathpy import, rawstrs, only strip one newline when numbering lines \[f7b3281\]
* BLD: tox.ini,.travis.yml: use tox-travis, envs=py37,py38 \[a2a4a82\]
* DOC,BLD: docs/reqs,docs/conf: copyright, fix pyline import \[036bac8\]
* BLD,TST: setup.py: setup.py:test calls pytest -v \[ced27bb\]
* REF,BUG: pyline.py: when sorting, sort None as '' (and log extensively for other sort comparison TypeError exceptions) \[9248acb\]
* MRG: 29 REF,TST,BLD,BUG: Python 3 Support \[cb195b4\]
* REF: pyline.py: change shebang to \`!/usr/bin/env python\` from python2 \[5841704\]
* RLS: pyline.py,setup.py: v0.3.18 \[a1072e2\]
* DOC: HISTORY.rst: output from git-changelog.py \[c9f7f89\]
* MRG: Merge branch 'release/0.3.18' \[579ccdf\]