
Latest version: v3.1.4

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Scan your dependencies

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- Modified delimitedList to accept an expression as the delimiter, instead
of only accepting strings.

- Modified ParseResults, to convert integer field keys to strings (to
avoid confusion with list access).

- Modified Combine, to convert all embedded tokens to strings before

- Fixed bug in MatchFirst in which parse actions would be called for
expressions that only partially match. (Thanks, John Hunter!)

- Fixed bug in example that fixes right-associativity of ^
operator. (Thanks, Andrea Griffini!)

- Added class FollowedBy(expression), to look ahead in the input string
without consuming tokens.

- Added class NoMatch that never matches any input. Can be useful in
debugging, and in very specialized grammars.

- Added example, for parsing chess game files stored in Portable
Game Notation. (Thanks, Alberto Santini!)


- Added SkipTo(expression) token type, simplifying grammars that only
want to specify delimiting expressions, and want to match any characters
between them.

- Added helper method dictOf(key,value), making it easier to work with
the Dict class. (Inspired by Pavel Volkovitskiy, thanks!).

- Added optional argument listAllMatches (default=False) to
setResultsName(). Setting listAllMatches to True overrides the default
modal setting of tokens to results names; instead, the results name
acts as an accumulator for all matching tokens within the local
repetition group. (Suggested by Amaury Le Leyzour - thanks!)

- Fixed bug in ParseResults, throwing exception when trying to extract
slice, or make a copy using [:]. (Thanks, Wilson Fowlie!)

- Fixed bug in transformString() when the input string contains <TAB>'s
(Thanks, Rick Walia!).

- Fixed bug in returning tokens from un-Grouped And's, Or's and
MatchFirst's, where too many tokens would be included in the results,
confounding parse actions and returned results.

- Fixed bug in naming ParseResults returned by And's, Or's, and Match

- Fixed bug in LineEnd() - matching this token now correctly consumes
and returns the end of line "\n".

- Added a beautiful example for parsing Mozilla calendar files (Thanks,
Petri Savolainen!).

- Added support for dynamically modifying Forward expressions during


- Added definition for htmlComment to help support HTML scanning and

- Fixed bug in generating XML for Dict classes, in which trailing item was
duplicated in the output XML.

- Fixed release bug in which was omitted from release

- Fixed bug in transformString() when parse actions are not defined on the
outermost parser element.

- Added example, as another example of using scanString
and parse actions.


- Added White() token type, analogous to Word, to match on whitespace
characters. Use White in parsers with significant whitespace (such as
configuration file parsers that use indentation to indicate grouping).
Construct White with a string containing the whitespace characters to be
matched. Similar to Word, White also takes optional min, max, and exact

- As part of supporting whitespace-signficant parsing, added parseWithTabs()
method to ParserElement, to override the default behavior in parseString
of automatically expanding tabs to spaces. To retain tabs during
parsing, call parseWithTabs() before calling parseString(), parseFile() or
scanString(). (Thanks, Jean-Guillaume Paradis for catching this, and for
your suggestions on whitespace-significant parsing.)

- Added transformString() method to ParseElement, as a complement to
scanString(). To use transformString, define a grammar and attach a parse
action to the overall grammar that modifies the returned token list.
Invoking transformString() on a target string will then scan for matches,
and replace the matched text patterns according to the logic in the parse
action. transformString() returns the resulting transformed string.
(Note: transformString() does *not* automatically expand tabs to spaces.)
Also added to the examples directory to show sample uses of
scanString() and transformString().

- Removed group() method that was introduced in beta2. This turns out NOT to
be equivalent to nesting within a Group() object, and I'd prefer not to sow
more seeds of confusion.

- Fixed behavior of asXML() where tags for groups were incorrectly duplicated.
(Thanks, Brad Clements!)

- Changed beta version message to display to stderr instead of stdout, to
make asXML() easier to use. (Thanks again, Brad.)


- *** SIMPLIFIED API *** - Parse actions that do not modify the list of tokens
no longer need to return a value. This simplifies those parse actions that
use the list of tokens to update a counter or record or display some of the
token content; these parse actions can simply end without having to specify
'return toks'.

- *** POSSIBLE API INCOMPATIBILITY *** - Fixed CaselessLiteral bug, where the
returned token text was not the original string (as stated in the docs),
but the original string converted to upper case. (Thanks, Dang Griffith!)
**NOTE: this may break some code that relied on this erroneous behavior.
Users should scan their code for uses of CaselessLiteral.**

- *** POSSIBLE CODE INCOMPATIBILITY *** - I have renamed the internal
attributes on ParseResults from 'dict' and 'list' to '__tokdict' and
'__toklist', to avoid collisions with user-defined data fields named 'dict'
and 'list'. Any client code that accesses these attributes directly will
need to be modified. Hopefully the implementation of methods such as keys(),
items(), len(), etc. on ParseResults will make such direct attribute
accessess unnecessary.

- Added asXML() method to ParseResults. This greatly simplifies the process
of parsing an input data file and generating XML-structured data.

- Added getName() method to ParseResults. This method is helpful when
a grammar specifies ZeroOrMore or OneOrMore of a MatchFirst or Or
expression, and the parsing code needs to know which expression matched.
(Thanks, Eric van der Vlist, for this idea!)

- Added items() and values() methods to ParseResults, to better support using
ParseResults as a Dictionary.

- Added parseFile() as a convenience function to parse the contents of an
entire text file. Accepts either a file name or a file object. (Thanks
again, Dang!)

- Added group() method to And, Or, and MatchFirst, as a short-cut alternative
to enclosing a construct inside a Group object.

- Extended to support exponentiation, and simple built-in functions.

- Added EBNF parser to examples, including a demo where it parses its own
EBNF! (Thanks to Seo Sanghyeon!)

- Added Delphi Form parser to examples,, plus a couple of
sample Delphi forms as tests. (Well done, Dang!)

- Another performance speedup, 5-10%, inspired by Dang! Plus about a 20%
speedup, by pre-constructing and cacheing exception objects instead of
constructing them on the fly.

- Fixed minor bug when specifying oneOf() with 'caseless=True'.

- Cleaned up and added a few more docstrings, to improve the generated docs.


- Fixed minor bug in scanString(), so that start location is at the start of
the matched tokens, not at the start of the whitespace before the matched

- Inclusion of HTML documentation, generated using Epydoc. Reformatted some
doc strings to better generate readable docs. (Beautiful work, Ed Loper,
thanks for Epydoc!)

- Minor performance speedup, 5-15%

- And on a process note, I've used the unittest module to define a series of
unit tests, to help avoid the embarrassment of the version 1.1 snafu.

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