
Latest version: v0.0.1

The latest version of qm40-dataset-for-ml with no known security vulnerabilities is 0.0.1. We recommend installing version 0.0.1.

The information on this page was curated by experts in our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.

Latest release
v0.0.1 at June 10, 2024
MIT (MIT License)


QM40 is a QMx type of dataset which includes 150K molecules optimized from B3LYP/6-31G(2df,p) level of theory in the Gaussian16 with QM parameters, optimized coordinates, Mulliken charges and Local vibrational mode parameters as a quantitative measurer of the bond strengths.



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No known vulnerabilities found

Versions (1)

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Has known vulnerabilities

  • 0.0.1