What Changed
๐ Features
- lookup `TYPE_NAME` is now a ClassVar of `LookupHandler` instead of a constant ITProKyle (1020)
- replace custom VersionTuple with `packaging.version.Version` ITProKyle (1055)
- replace use of zgitignore with igittigitt ITProKyle (1074)
- add `runway.mixins.DelCachedPropMixin` ITProKyle (1075)
- add new awslambda hooks + lookups & deprecate aws_lambda hook ITProKyle (1081)
- `runway.cfngin.hooks.base.Hook.ARGS_PARSER` is now a `ClassVar` ITProKyle (1131)
- use `pydantic` for `runway.core.providers.aws._response` ITProKyle (1132)
- change `aws.s3.Bucket.exists`, add `aws.s3.Bucket.__bool__` ITProKyle (1133)
- static site: replace `.`with `-` when used in module name ITProKyle (1144)
- pass `encoding` when opening a file in text mode ITProKyle (1148)
- remove uses of non f-string string formatting ITProKyle (1149)
- changed how some pydantic model field aliases are set to better align expectations with type checker behavior ITProKyle (1151)
๐งถ Dependencies
- change `pyyaml` version requirement from ^5 to >5.4 ITProKyle (1024)
- change `docker` version requirement to `>=3.0.0` ITProKyle (1079)
- change `jinja2` version requirement to `>=2.7` ITProKyle (1129)
๐ Doc Updates
- add note to hook & lookups docs for passing `allow_reuse` to pydantic validators ITProKyle (1019)
๐งฐ Maintenance
- fix an issue with the CDK functional test ITProKyle (1078)
- add stubs for docker, update some annotations around docker usage ITProKyle (1076)
- improve CFNgin recreate failed functional test consistency ITProKyle (1127)
- update infrastructure node dependencies ITProKyle (1145)
- change protocol used in git source test ITProKyle (1147)
- cleanup useless pylint suppressions ITProKyle (1152)
- update pipenv requirement to `^2022.1.8` to patch security exploit ITProKyle (1163)