
Latest version: v0.0.1

The latest version of safaa with no known security vulnerabilities is 0.0.1. We recommend installing version 0.0.1.

The information on this page was curated by experts in our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.

Latest release
v0.0.1 at Nov. 2, 2023
LGPL-2.0-only (GNU Library General Public License v2 only)


Created as a part of the 2023 Google Summer of Code project: Reducing Fossology's False Positive Copyrights, the purpose is to be able to predict whether a given copyright output from the Fossology software is a false positive or not. It is also able to remove extra text from a copyright notice.



See all vulnerabilities

No known vulnerabilities found

Versions (1)

See all versions

Has known vulnerabilities

  • 0.0.1