
Latest version: v0.10.2

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Bug fixes

* Fixed `` not working in Express. (1085)

* `express.ui.hold()` can now accept any type of object, instead of just `TagChild` objects. (1089)

* Fixed an issue where `input_selectize` would not initialize correctly when created within a Shiny module. (1091)


Breaking Changes

* Closed 938: `page_sidebar()` and `page_navbar()` now use `fillable=False` by default. (990)

New features

* Added `shiny.ui.input_task_button()` for creating buttons that launch longer-running tasks than `shiny.ui.input_action_button()` was designed for. Task buttons give visual feedback that the task is running, and cannot be clicked again until the task is complete. (907)

* Added `extended_task` decorator for creating long-running tasks that can be cancelled. (907)

* Added `` as a replacement for ``, which is now deprecated. (977)

* Added `ui.output_code()`, which is currently an alias for `ui.output_text_verbatim()`. (997)

* Added `render.code`, which is an alias for `render.text`, but in Express mode, it displays the result using `ui.output_code()`. (997)

* Added `App.on_shutdown` method for registering a callback to be called when the app is shutting down. (907)

* You can now pass options to `ui.input_selectize` see the [selectize.js]( docs for available options. (#914, 158)

* `ui.input_selectize` gains the `remove_button` argument which allows you to control the visibility of the remove button.

Bug fixes

* CLI command `shiny create`... (965)
* has added a `-d`/`--dir` flag for saving to a specific output directory
* will raise an error if if will overwrite existing files
* prompt users to install `requirements.txt`

* Fixed `js-react` template build error. (965)

* Fixed 1007: Plot interaction with plotnine provided incorrect values. (999)

Developer features

* Output renderers should now be created with the `shiny.render.renderer.Renderer` class. This class should contain either a `.transform(self, value)` method (common) or a `.render(self)` (rare). These two methods should return something can be converted to JSON. In addition, `.default_ui(self, id)` should be implemented by returning `htmltools.Tag`-like content for use within Shiny Express. To make your own output renderer, please inherit from the `Renderer[IT]` class where `IT` is the type (excluding `None`) required to be returned from the App author. (964)
* Legacy renderers that will be removed in the near future:
* `shiny.render.RenderFunction`
* `shiny.render.RenderFunctionAsync`
* `shiny.render.transformer.OutputRenderer`
* `shiny.render.transformer.OutputRendererSync`
* `shiny.render.transformer.OutputRendererAsync`

Other changes

* Pinned Starlette to version <0.35.0; versions 0.35.0 and 0.35.1 caused problems when deploying on Posit Connect. (1009

Bug fixes

* Fixed 935: `shiny create` required the `requests` package, but it was not listed as a dependency. It now uses `urllib` instead, which is part of the Python standard library. (940)


New features

* `shiny create` now allows you to select from a list of template apps.

* `shiny create` provides templates which help you build your own custom JavaScript components.

* Closed 814: The functions `reactive.Calc` and `reactive.Effect` have been changed to have lowercase names: `reactive.calc`, and `reactive.effect`. The old capitalized names are now aliases to the new lowercase names, so existing code will continue to work. Similarly, the class `reactive.Value` has a new alias, `reactive.value`, but in this case, since the original was a class, it keeps the original capitalized name as the primary name. The examples have not been changed yet, but will be changed in a future release. (822)

* Added `ui.layout_columns()` for creating responsive column-forward layouts based on Bootstrap's 12-column CSS Grid. (856)

* Added support for Shiny Express apps, which has a simpler, easier-to-use API than the existing API (Shiny Core). Please note that this API is still experimental and may change. (767)

Bug fixes

* Fix support for `shiny.ui.accordion(multiple=)` (799).

Other changes

* Closed 492: `shiny.ui.nav()` is now deprecated in favor of the more aptly named `shiny.ui.nav_panel()` (876).

* Update penguins example to credit Allison Horst and drop usage of `shiny.experimental` (798).

* `as_fillable_container()` and `as_fill_item()` no longer mutate the `Tag` object that was passed in. Instead, it returns a new `Tag` object. Also closed 856: these functions now put the `html-fill-container` and `html-fill-item` CSS classes last, instead of first. (862)

* `App()` now accepts a server function with a single `input` parameter, or a server function with parameters `input`, `output` and `session`. Server functions with two or more than three parameters now raise an exception. (920)


Breaking Changes

* `` only allows positional arguments for `app`, `host`, and `port`, all other arguments must be specified with keywords.

New features

* `shiny run` now takes `reload-includes` and `reload-excludes` to allow you to define which files trigger a reload (780).

* `` now passes keyword arguments to `` (780).

* The `output` decorator is no longer required for rendering functions; `` decorators now register themselves automatically. You can still use `output` explicitly if you need to set specific output options (747, 790).

* Added support for integration with Quarto (746).

* Added `shiny.render.renderer_components` decorator to help create new output renderers (621).

* Added `shiny.experimental.ui.popover()`, `update_popover()`, and `toggle_popover()` for easy creation (and server-side updating) of [Bootstrap popovers]( Popovers are similar to tooltips, but are more persistent, and should primarily be used with button-like UI elements (e.g. `input_action_button()` or icons) (#680).

* Added CSS classes to UI input methods (680) .

* `Session` objects can now accept an asynchronous (or synchronous) function for `.on_flush(fn=)`, `.on_flushed(fn=)`, and `.on_ended(fn=)` (686).

* `App()` now allows `static_assets` to represent multiple paths. To do this, pass in a dictionary instead of a string (763).

* The `showcase_layout` argument of `value_box()` now accepts one of three character values: `"left center"`, `"top right"`, `"bottom"`. (772)

* `value_box()` now supports many new themes and styles, or fully customizable themes using the new `value_box_theme()` function. To reflect the new capabilities, we've replaced `theme_color` with a new `theme` argument. The previous argument will continue work as expected, but with a deprecation warning. (772)

In addition to the Bootstrap theme names (`primary` ,`secondary`, etc.), you can now use the main Boostrap colors (`purple`, `blue`, `red`, etc.). You can also choose to apply the color to the background or foreground by prepending a `bg-` or `text-` prefix to the theme or color name. Finally, we've also added new gradient themes allowing you to pair any two color names as `bg-gradient-{from}-{to}` (e.g., `bg-gradient-purple-blue`).

These named color themes aren't limited to value boxes: because they're powered by small utility classes, you can use them anywhere within your bslib-powered UI.

* Added `shiny.ui.showcase_bottom()`, a new `shiny.ui.value_box()` layout that places the showcase below the value box `title` and `value`, perfect for a full-bleed plot. (772)

Bug fixes

* `shiny run` now respects the user provided `reload-dir` argument (765).

* Fixed 646: Wrap bare value box value in `<p />` tags. (668)

* Fixed 676: The `render.data_frame` selection feature was underdocumented and buggy (sometimes returning `None` as a row identifier if the pandas data frame's index had gaps in it). With this release, the selection is consistently a tuple of the 0-based row numbers of the selected rows--or `None` if no rows are selected. (677)

* Added tests to verify that ui input methods, ui labels, ui update (value) methods, and ui output methods work within modules (696).

* Adjusted the `render.plot` input type to be `object` to allow for any object (if any) to be returned (712).

* In `layout_column_wrap()`, when `width` is a CSS unit -- e.g. `width = "400px"` or `width = "25%"` -- and `fixed_width = FALSE`, `layout_column_wrap()` will ensure that the columns are at least `width` wide, unless the parent container is narrower than `width`. (772)

Other changes

* `input_action_button()` now defaults to having whitespace around it. (758)

* `layout_sidebar()` now uses an `<aside>` element for the sidebar's container and a `<header>` element for the sidebar title. The classes of each element remain the same, but the semantic meaning of the elements is now better reflected in the HTML markup. (772)

* `layout_sidebar()` no longer gives the sidebar main content area the `role="main"` attribute. (772)

* Improved the style and appearance of the button to enter full screen in `card()`s and `value_box()`es to better adapt to Bootstrap's dark mode. (772)

API changes

* Added `shiny.ui.navset_underline()` and `shiny.ui.navset_card_underline()` whose navigation container is similar to `shiny.ui.navset_tab()` and `shiny.ui.navset_card_tab()` respectively, but its active/focused navigation links are styled with an underline. (772)

* `shiny.ui.layout_column_wrap(width, *args)` was rearranged to `shiny.ui.layout_column_wrap(*args, width)`. Now, `width` will default to `200px` is no value is provided. (772)

* `shiny.ui.showcase_left_center()` and `shiny.ui.showcase_top_right()` no longer take two values for the `width` argument. Instead, they now take a single value (e.g., `width = "30%"`) representing the width of the showcase are in the value box. Furthermore, they've both gained `width_full_screen` arguments that determine the width of the showcase area when the value box is expanded to fill the screen. (772)

* `shiny.ui.panel_main()` and `shiny.ui.panel_sidebar()` are deprecated in favor of new API for `shiny.ui.layout_sidebar()`. Please use `shiny.ui.sidebar()` to construct a `sidebar=` and supply it to `shiny.ui.layout_sidebar(sidebar, *args, **kwargs)`. (788)

* `shiny.experimental.ui.toggle_sidebar()` has been renamed to `shiny.ui.update_sidebar()`. It's `open` value now only supports `bool` values. (788)

API relocations

* `shiny.ui`'s `navset_pill_card()` and `navset_tab_card()` have been renamed to `navset_card_pill()` and `navset_card_tab()` respectively (492).

The following methods have been moved from `shiny.experimental.ui` and integrated into `shiny.ui` (final locations under `shiny.ui` are displayed) (680):

* Sidebar - Sidebar layout or manipulation
* `sidebar()`, `page_sidebar()`, `update_sidebar()`, `layout_sidebar()`, `Sidebar`

* Filling layout - Allow UI components to expand into the parent container and/or allow its content to expand
* `page_fillable()`, `fill.as_fillable_container()`, `fill.as_fill_item()`, `fill.remove_all_fill()`
* `output_plot(fill=)`, `output_image(fill=)`, `output_ui(fill=, fillable=)`

* CSS units - CSS units and padding
* `css.as_css_unit()`, `css.as_css_padding()`, `css.CssUnit`

* Tooltip - Hover-based context UI element
* `tooltip()`, `update_tooltip()`

* Popover - Click-based context UI element
* `popover()`, `update_popover()`

* Accordion - Vertically collapsible UI element
* `accordion()`, `accordion_panel()`, `insert_accordion_panel()`, `remove_accordion_panel()`, `update_accordion()`, `update_accordion_panel()`, `Accordion`, `AccordionPanel`

* Card - A general purpose container for grouping related UI elements together
* `card()`, `card_header()`, `card_footer()`, `CardItem`

* Valuebox - Opinionated container for displaying a value and title
* `valuebox()`
* `showcase_left_center()`
* `showcase_top_right()`

* Navs - Navigation within a page
* `navset_bar()`, `navset_tab_card()`, `navset_pill_card()`
* `page_navbar(sidebar=, fillable=, fillable_mobile=, gap=, padding=)`, `navset_card_tab(sidebar=)`, `navset_card_pill(sidebar=)`, `navset_bar(sidebar=, fillable=, gap=, padding=)`

* Layout - Layout of UI elements
* `layout_column_wrap()`

* Inputs - UI elements for user input
* `input_text_area(autoresize=)`

If a ported method is called from `shiny.experimental.ui`, a deprecation warning will be displayed.

Methods still under consideration in `shiny.experimental.ui`:

* `card(wrapper=)`: A function (which returns a UI element) to call on unnamed arguments in `card(*args)` which are not already `shiny.ui.CardItem` objects.

* `card_body()`: A container for grouping related UI elements together

* `card_image()`: A general container for an image within a `shiny.ui.card`.

* `card_title()`: A general container for the "title" of a `shiny.ui.card`.

API removals

* `shiny.experimental.ui.FillingLayout` has been removed. (481)

* `shiny.experimental.ui.toggle_switch()` has been made defunct. Please remove it from your code and use `shiny.ui.update_switch()` instead. (772)

* `shiny.experimental.ui.as_width_unit()` has been made defunct. Please remove it from your code. (772)

* `shiny.experimental.ui`' `as_fill_carrier()`, `is_fill_carrier()`, `is_fillable_container()`, and `is_fill_item()` have been made defunct. Remove them from your code. (680, 788)

* Support for `min_height=`, `max_height=`, and `gap=` in `shiny.experimental.ui.as_fillable_container()` and `as_fill_item()` has been removed. (481)

* `shiny.experimental.ui.TagCallable` has been made defunct. Please use its type is equivalent to `htmltools.TagFunction`. (680)


Bug fixes

* Fixed 666: Added missing sidebar stylesheet dependency. (667)

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