
Latest version: v0.7.9

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* Deprecated: :ref:`needfilter` is replaced by :ref:`needlist`, :ref:`needtable` or :ref:`needflow`. Which support additional options for related layout.
* Improvement: Added :ref:`needtable` directive.
* Improvement: Added `DataTables <https://datatables.net/>`_ support for :ref:`needtable` (including table search, excel/pdf export and dynamic column selection).
* Improvement: Added :ref:`needs_id_regex`, which takes a regular expression and which is used to validate given IDs of needs.
* Improvement: Added meta information shields on documentation page
* Improvement: Added more examples to documentation
* Bugfix: Care about unneeded separator characters in tags (`36 <https://github.com/useblocks/sphinxcontrib-needs/issues/36>`_)
* Bugfix: Avoiding multiple registration of resource files (js, css), if sphinx gets called several times (e.g. during tests)
* Bugfix: Needs with no status shows up on filters (`45 <https://github.com/useblocks/sphinxcontrib-needs/issues/45>`_)
* Bugfix: Supporting Sphinx 1.7 (`41 <https://github.com/useblocks/sphinxcontrib-needs/issues/41>`_)


* Bugfix: Supporting plantnuml >= 0.9 (`38 <https://github.com/useblocks/sphinxcontrib-needs/issues/38>`_)
* Bugfix: need_outgoing does not crash, if given need-id does not exist (`32 <https://github.com/useblocks/sphinxcontrib-needs/issues/32>`_)


* Improvement: Added configuration option :ref:`needs_role_need_template`.
* Bugfix: Referencing not existing needs will result in build warnings instead of a build crash.
* Refactoring: needs development files are stored internally under *sphinxcontrib/needs*, which is in sync with
most other sphinxcontrib-packages.


* Bugfix: dark.css was missing in MANIFEST.in.
* Improvement: Better output, if configured needs_css file can not be found during build.


* Bugfix: Added python2/3 compatibility for needs_import.


* Bugfix: needs with no status are handled the correct way now.

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